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18.05.2015, 21:39
Moin Leute,
wäre jemand so nett und kann mir einen Text ins englische übersetzen ?
Ich muss ein Support-Ticket für mein Smartphone errichten und mein englisch ist leider
etwas eingerostet. Wäre echt ne tolle Sache wenn sich jemand opfern würde.

Hallo OPO Team,

]Ich habe an meinem Geburtstag ein One Plus geschenkt bekommen.
Leider habe ich nun 2 Probleme.
Das erst Problem betrifft den Touchscreen.
Wenn ich zum Beispiel eine Nachricht etwas schneller schreiben möchte, werden des öftern Buchstaben
ignoriert. Außerdem habe ich manchmal einen Ghost-Touch. Ich möchte zum Beispiel eine App öffnen und
das Handy reagiert nicht. Stattdessen wird ein Kontakt angerufen.
Was auch in dem Beispielvideo zu sehen ist, dass ich beigefügt habe.
Das zweite Problem betrifft die Ladebuchse, die einen Wackelkontakt aufweist.
Ich habe auch schon ein zweites Kabel getestet. Dies ohne Erfolg.
Da dieser Account und die dazugehörige Emailadresse einer Freundin gehört, die mir das Handy zum
Geburtstag geschenkt hat, würde ich euch bitten das ganze, wenn möglich, auf meinen Account zu übertragen.
Ich hoffe um baldige Antwort.
Vielen Dank

Schon mal ein großes Danke im Voraus

19.05.2015, 03:11
I got a One Plus as a birthday present. Unfortunately I have 2 problems now.
The first one is the touchscreen for example: if i write a little bit faster then there are some letters missing.
Next thing is if I want to open an app the phone doesn't register it and calls one of my contacts. You can see what i mean when you watch my attached video.
The second problem is the charging socket. It has a defective contact. I tried an other wire, but without luck.
This account and the connected e-mail belongs to my girlfriend, she donated the phone.
It would be nice if you can transfer it to my account.
I hope to hear from you soon.

sollte vielleicht nochmal einer drüber schauen war schon spät

19.05.2015, 08:13
Hab nochmal kurz drüber geschaut und würde es so "verbessen". War aber schon eigentlich gut genug :D

I got a One Plus One as a birthday present. Unfortunately I have 2 problems now.
The first one has to do with the touchscreen. For example: if I write a little bit faster then some of the taps are not recognized and therefore letters are missing.
Next thing is if I want to open an app the phone doesn't register it and calls one of my contacts. You can see what i mean when you watch my attached video.
The second problem is the charging socket. It has a defective contact. I tried an other wire, but without luck.
This account and the connected e-mail belongs to my girlfriend, she donated the phone.
It would be nice if you can transfer it to my account.
I hope to hear from you soon.

19.05.2015, 14:56
Vielen dank für die Mühe euch beiden

20.05.2015, 13:24
I got a One Plus One as a birthday present. Unfortunately I have 2 problems now.
The first one has to do with the touchscreen. For example: If I write fast, some of the taps are not recognized and therefore letters are missing. This is really annonying, because i also write business related e-mails with my mobile phone.
Another problem occuring is if I want to open an app the phone doesn't register it and calls one of my contacts. You can see what i mean exactly, when you watch my attached video.
The third problem is the charging socket. It has a defect contact. I tried an other wire, but without luck.
This account and the connected e-mail belongs to my girlfriend, she donated the phone.
It would be nice if you can transfer it to my account as soon as possible.
If you have further questions or if you need another video of my problems, you can write me.



Falls du es noch nicht abgeschickt hast, habe noch ein paar Formulierungen eingebaut.


20.05.2015, 22:48
donated the phone??????? Euer ernst Kinders?

Macht mal eueren Hauptschulabschluss.

Dear OPO,
I recently received the One Plus One for my birthday and I really like it, but unfortunately there are a few problems with it.

First of all, the touchscreen misbehaves in the way that when I am typing rather quickly, not all touches are registered and translated to letters. Furthermore, I am experiencing “ghost touches” - as seen in the attached video clip - e.g. when I intend to open an application there is no response, but instead some contact is getting called.

The second issue I have with the “One “ is a loose charging port, which has not been caused by inappropriate usage or what so ever, as I am always cautious with my phones in this matter.

I am looking forward to a prompt and adequate response.


(Dein Name)

Den Teil mit dem Account kannst du dir sparen, machen die nicht. Höchstens die Email ändern.

20.05.2015, 22:57
Wie wäre es mit "she bought the phone" ?

20.05.2015, 23:32
Wie wäre es mit "she bought the phone" ?
Besser wäre z.B. "As I mentioned the phone was given to me as a present "

Und mal an die Leute die den Text verbessert haben. Schaut euch den ersten Satz mal genauer an.

Falsch: "I got a One Plus One"
Richtig: ""I got an One Plus One"

20.05.2015, 23:41
Ihr denkt alle viel zu Deutsch.

Dear OPO-Support,
i just got an One Plus One as a present.
Unfortunately i'm faced with two problems regarding the touchscreen and charging socket.
* While typing a bit faster, some keys on the keyboard aren't responding properly.
* Instead of opening an app my OPO sometimes just calls a number.

For further information please see the attached video.

Charging Socket:
* loose connection even with a replaced cable.

This account + e-mail belongs to my girlfriend who has given me the phone. Please transfer everything to my personal account.
Please answer as soon as possible.
