Verschlüsselung auf WEP ändern.

k i figured out ettercap andits awesome but i am having trouble doooing it in xploitz's method

1. Capture your network traffic while not being connected or associated to it..example

airodump-ng -w capturedata -c 6 --bssid APMAC ath0

2. run
airdecap-ng -b (bssid) -e (ESSID) -w (networks wep key) capturedata.cap

Example.....airdecap-ng -w 00A4E267184999BC25D27E2945 capturedata.cap

This creates a file named capturedata-dec.cap

3. Now open up driftnet...

driftnet -i lo (or ath0 or eth1 or wlan0 or whatever....lo is just the local loopback ethernet interface thats commonly used for this.

4. Now we're going to replay the data on the local loopback ethernet interface (lo). This gives us an interface to send the data on without actually sending it out over the air or on the local network.

tcpreplay -i lo dump-dec.cap

5. Now just sit back and view the data in driftnet

tcpreplay seems to work but i cant see anything in driftnet:S
any suggestions?
so kannstde Infos über ihn sammeln und eventuell herausfinden wer er ist.
oder garkeine verschlüsselung und mit Cain und Abel nen MITM angrif machen und passwörter stehlen^^