
Erstelle Jetzt Kostenlos deine eigene Videopage. Erfahre was in deiner Stadt abgeht. Zieh dir jeden Tag die neusten lustigsten Videos rein! Events - Videos - Fun - Action - Videopage - Forum - Chat und vieles mehr erwarten dich im neuen ChillClub. Steig ein und überzeuge dich selbst.


-- Description on English --
On ChillClub.net you can aggregate videos from popular video portals like YouTube, DailyMotion, Clipfish, Hobnox and many more to create your personal video diary, talk to other chill-clubers in various forums and comment on their videos. The best videos are promoted by a bunch of moderators and shown on the home page. If you are living in Heilbronn and its surroundings check out the concerts page for the latest events in the area.