Hello all :p

I'm making a new projet or free teamspeak serveur for
each members of my website ( not a simply channel, but a really serveur ). I want obtain a NPO licence, but teamspeak not give it any more.
I lunch my projet last week and i have about 500 serveur teamspeak lunched at this time.
But, there is forever "But", i'm stealling all the members of not free website. By jealousy, some admin of theses send a lot of mails to the Triton compagny and to my dedicated serveur hoster. :'(

I 'm cherching how i can bypass the process which add my serveur on the ban list.
How the teamspeak client detect the serveur ip is on the blacklist.
I think teamspeak triton admin's connect on telnet and run and universal command who tell to the serveur what his licence is illegal. next the server tell to the client if he can connect or not.
next the client display
64845, 	"The server you are trying to connect to, is on our blacklist.\nThis is usualy because the hoster of the server is violating our server license agreement.\nThe client will not connect.
Are you thinking it's true or false ?

If i lock the acces to the telnet port, or if i restore an old database, do you think it's may be good ???

Thank's to all people who can help me