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    Frage [Need Help] Insecure dependency in mkdir

    Hey brauch mal wieder Hilfe...

    Also ich benutz das UberUpolad Script für eine AudioUpload Seite und beim uploaden krieg ich folgenden Fehler:

    Die Anfrage kann nicht beantwortet werden, da im Server ein interner Fehler aufgetreten ist.
    Insecure dependency in mkdir while running with -T switch at C:/xampp/htdocs/cgbi/ line 117. ,
    Sofern Sie dies für eine Fehlfunktion des Servers halten, informieren Sie bitte den Webmaster hierüber.
    Error 500

    Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8l mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.3.1 mod_apreq2-20090110/2.7.1 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    #   Name:
    #   Link:
    #   Revision: 4.0
    #   Date: 2006/12/15
    #   Author: Peter Schmandra
    #   Description: Upload files to a temp dir based on Session-id, transfer files to upload dir and output results or redirect.
    #   Credits:
    #   I would like to thank the following people who helped create 
    #   and improve Uber-Uploader by providing code, ideas, insperation, 
    #   bug fixes and valuable feedback. If you feel you should be included 
    #   in this list, please post a message in the 'Open Discussion' 
    #   forum of the Uber-Uploader project page requesting a contributor credit.
    #   Art Bogdanov   
    #   Bill           
    #   Cedric         
    #   Detlev Richter
    #   Erik Guilfoyle
    #   Feyyaz Oezdemir
    #   Jeroen Soeters
    #   Kim Steinhaug
    #   Klaus Karcher
    #   Nico Hawley-Weld
    #   Raditha Dissanyake
    #   Tolriq
    #   Tore B. Krudtaa
    #   Licence:
    #   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
    #   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
    #   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
    #   the License at
    #   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
    #   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
    #   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
    #   rights and limitations under the License.
    my $start_time = time();                                                     # Timestamp of the start of the upload
    # Makes %ENV Safer (Programming Perl By Oreilly pg.560)
    $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
    delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
    require "";
    use CGI qw(:cgi);                                                            # Load the module
    my $uber_version = "4.2";                                                    # Version of Uber Uploader
    my $this_version = "4.0";                                                    # Version of this driver                                                                                                          
    # The following possible query string formats are assumed
    # 1. ?tmp_sid=some_sid_number&config_file=some_config_file_name
    # 2  ?tmp_sid=some_sid_number
    # 3. ?cmd=about
    # 4. ?cmd=debug&config_file=some_config_file_name
    # 5. ?cmd=debug
    my($get_1_key, $get_1_val, $get_2_key, $get_2_val) = split(/[&=]/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
    # Attempt to load the config file that was passed to the script.
    # If no config file name was passed to the script, load the 
    # default config file ''
    if($get_2_key eq 'config_file' && $MULTI_CONFIGS_ENABLED){ 
        my $module = $get_2_val;
        unless(eval "require configs::$module"){
            if($@){ &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR<\/font>: Failed load config file $module" . ".pm<br>\n", 1, __LINE__); }
    elsif($get_2_key eq 'config_file' && !$MULTI_CONFIGS_ENABLED){
         &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR<\/font>: Multi Config files disabled<br>\n", 1, __LINE__);
    elsif($get_2_key ne 'config_file'){
        unless(eval "require configs::uu_default_config_audios"){
            if($@){ &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR<\/font>: Failed load config file<br>\n", 1, __LINE__); }
    # Check query string for commands sent to script
    if($get_1_key eq 'cmd' && $get_1_val eq 'debug' && $DEBUG_ENABLED){ &debug(); }
    elsif($get_1_key eq 'cmd' && $get_1_val eq 'debug' && !$DEBUG_ENABLED){ &kak("<u><b>UBER UPLOADER CGI SETTINGS<\/b><\/u><br> DEBUG = <b>disabled<\/b><br>\n", 1, __LINE__); }
    elsif($get_1_key eq 'cmd' && $get_1_val eq 'about'){ &kak("<u><b>UBER UPLOADER VERSION</b><\/u><br> UBER UPLOADER VERSION = <b>" . $uber_version . "<\/b><br> UU_UPLOAD = <b>" . $this_version . "<\/b><br>\n", 1, __LINE__); }
    elsif($get_1_key eq 'tmp_sid' && length($get_1_val) != 32){ &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR<\/font>: Invalid session-id $get_1_val.<br>\n", 1, __LINE__); }
    elsif(length($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) == 0){ &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR<\/font>: Invalid parameters passed to<br>\n", 1, __LINE__); }
    my $tmp_sid = $get_1_val;                                                           # Get the session-id for temp files
    $tmp_sid =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g;                                                      # Sanitise session-id
    my $sleep_time = 1;                                                                 # Seconds to wait before upload proceeds (for small file uploads)
    my $print_issued = 0;                                                               # Tracks print content type command 
    my %uploaded_files = ();                                                            # Hash with all the uploaded file names
    my $temp_dir_sid = $config->{temp_dir} . $tmp_sid;                                  # Append Session-id to upload temp directory
    my $flength_file = $temp_dir_sid . '/flength';                                      # Flength file is used to store the size of the upload in bytes
    $|++;                                                                               # Force auto flush of output buffer
    $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';                                                               # Ignore sig hup
    local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&cleanup;                                                    # User has pressed stop during upload so deal with it
    $CGI::POST_MAX = $config->{max_upload};                                             # Set the max post value
    # Create temp directory if it does not exist
    if(!-d $config->{temp_dir}){ mkdir($config->{temp_dir}, 0777) or &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Can't mkdir $config->{temp_dir}: $!", 1, __LINE__); }
    # Create a temp directory based on Session-id     
    if(!-d $temp_dir_sid){ mkdir($temp_dir_sid, 0777) or &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Can't mkdir $temp_dir_sid: $!", 1, __LINE__); }
        mkdir($temp_dir_sid, 0777) or &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Can't mkdir $temp_dir_sid: $!", 1, __LINE__);
    # Prepare the flength file for writing
    open FLENGTH, ">$flength_file" or &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Can't open $temp_dir_sid/flength: $!", 1, __LINE__);
    if($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} > $config->{max_upload}){
        # If file size exceeds maximum write error to flength file and exit
        my $max_size = &format_bytes($config->{max_upload}, 99);
        print FLENGTH "ERROR: Maximum upload size of $max_size exceeded";
        chmod 0666, $flength_file;
        &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Maximum upload size of $max_size exceeded.<br><br>Your upload has failed.<br>", 1, __LINE__);
        # Write total upload size in bytes to flength file
        chmod 0666, $flength_file;
    # Let progress bar get some info (for small file uploads) 
    # Tell to use our directory based on Session-id
    if($TempFile::TMPDIRECTORY){ $TempFile::TMPDIRECTORY = $temp_dir_sid; }
    elsif($CGITempFile::TMPDIRECTORY){ $CGITempFile::TMPDIRECTORY = $temp_dir_sid; }
    else{ &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Cannot assign CGI temp directory", 1, __LINE__); }
    my $query = new CGI;
    # The upload is complete at this point, so you can now access any post values. eg. $query->param("some_post_value");
    # IF you are modifying the upload directory with a post value, DO IT HERE!!!
    # You must override the $config->{upload_dir} value
    # If you are linking to the file you must also override the $config->{path_to_upload} value
    # eg. $config->{upload_dir} .= $query->param("employee_num") . '/';
    # eg. $config->{path_to_upload} .= $query->param("employee_num") . '/';
    # Create a unique directory inside the upload directory if config setting 'unique_upload_dir' is enabled
        my $unique_dir = generate_random_string($config->{unique_upload_dir_length});
        $config->{upload_dir} .= $unique_dir . '/'; 
        if($config->{link_to_upload}){ $config->{path_to_upload} .= $unique_dir . '/'; }
    # Create upload directory if it does not exist
    if(!-d $config->{upload_dir}){ mkdir($config->{upload_dir}, 0777) or &kak("<font color='red'>ERROR</font>: Can't mkdir $config->{upload_dir}: $!", 1, __LINE__); }
    # If we are using rename, make sure it's the same disk
        my $dev_temp_dir = (stat($config->{temp_dir}))[0]; 
        my $dev_upload_dir = (stat($config->{upload_dir}))[0];
        # We have have two disks so use copy instead (can't rename across disks/mounts)
        if($dev_temp_dir != $dev_upload_dir){ $config->{create_files_by_rename} = 0; }
    # Upload is finished, start creating files in the upload directory
    for(my $i = 0; $i < $query->param('upload_range'); $i++){
        my ($upload_filehandle, $tmp_filename);
        my $file_name = $query->param('upfile_' . $i);
        # Remove all the path info from the file name (IE)
        $file_name =~ s/.*[\/\\](.*)/$1/;
        $file_name =~ s/\x00//g;
        # IF you are modifying the file name with a post value, DO IT HERE!!!
        # eg. $file_name = $file_name . "_" . $query->param("employee_num");
        # Normalize file name
         if($config->{normalize_file_names}){ $file_name = &normalize_filename($file_name, $config->{normalize_file_delimiter}, $config->{normalize_file_length}); }
        # Find File extention
        my ($f_name, $file_extension) = ($file_name =~ /(.*)\.(.+)/);
        # Construct a file handle and get the temp name of the file
        if(length($file_name) > 0){
                $upload_filehandle = $query->param("upfile_" . $i);
                $tmp_filename = $query->tmpFileName($upload_filehandle);
        # IF you want to filter file uploads by disallowed AND allowed extensions, change the following line to use the allow extensions config setting. 
        # eg. if(($file_name ne "") && (-s $tmp_filename) && ($file_extention !~ m/$config->{disallow_extensions}$/i) && ($file_extention =~ m/$config->{allowed_extensions}$/i)){
        # Do not process blank upload slots, zero length files or files with illegal extensions 
        if((length($file_name) > 0) && (-s $tmp_filename) && ($file_extension !~ m/$config->{disallow_extensions}$/i)){
            # Create a unique filename if config setting 'unique_filename' is enabled
                my $unique_file_name = generate_random_string($config->{unique_file_name_length});
                $unique_file_name = $unique_file_name . "." . $file_extension;
                $file_name = $unique_file_name;    
            # Check for an existing file and rename if it already exists
            if(!$config->{overwrite_existing_files}){ $file_name = &rename_filename($file_name, 1); }
            my $upload_file_path = $config->{upload_dir} . $file_name;
                # Create uploaded files by rename (fast)
                rename($tmp_filename, $upload_file_path) or warn("Cannot rename from $tmp_filename to $upload_file_path: $!");
                # Create uploaded files by copy (slow but works across disks and mounts)
                open(UPLOADFILE, ">$upload_file_path");
                binmode UPLOADFILE;
                while(<$upload_filehandle>){ print UPLOADFILE; }
            chmod 0666, $upload_file_path;
        if($file_name ne ""){ $uploaded_files{$file_name}{'upfile_' . $i} = 0; }
    # Delete the temp directory based on session-id and everything in it
    # Redirect to php page if redirect enabled else display results
        my $param_file_path = $config->{temp_dir} . $tmp_sid . ".params";
        my @names = $query->param;
        # We are re-directing so write a session-id.param file with all the post values
        open PARAMS, ">$param_file_path" or &display_results_through_cgi();
        binmode PARAMS;
        # Write post values to param file (we do not write the files names at this point)
        foreach my $key (@names){
            my $post_value = $query->param($key);
            $post_value =~ s/(\r\n|\n|\r)/~NWLN~/g; 
            $post_value =~ s/=/~EQLS~/g; 
            if($post_value ne "" && $key !~ m/^upfile_/){ print PARAMS "$key=$post_value\n"; }
        # Write some config settings to the param file
        print PARAMS "upload_dir=$config->{upload_dir}\n";
        print PARAMS "link_to_upload=$config->{link_to_upload}\n";
        print PARAMS "delete_param_file=$config->{delete_param_file}\n";
        # If we want a direct link and or an email link, we need to pass the path_to_upload setting
        if($config->{link_to_upload} || ($config->{send_email_on_upload} && $config->{link_to_upload_in_email})){
            print PARAMS "path_to_upload=$config->{path_to_upload}\n";
        # If email on upload, write all the email info to param file
            print PARAMS "send_email_on_upload=1\n";
            print PARAMS "link_to_upload_in_email=$config->{link_to_upload_in_email}\n";
            print PARAMS "email_subject=$config->{email_subject}\n";
            print PARAMS "html_email_support=$config->{html_email_support}\n";
            print PARAMS "to_email_address=$config->{to_email_address}\n";
            print PARAMS "from_email_address=$config->{from_email_address}\n"; 
        else{ print PARAMS "send_email_on_upload=0\n"; }
        # Write upload file names to param file
        for my $file_name (keys %uploaded_files){
            for my $upload_slot ( keys %{ $uploaded_files{$file_name} } ){
                print PARAMS "$upload_slot=$file_name\n";
        # Write start and end upload time to param file
        print PARAMS "start_time=$start_time\n";
        print PARAMS "end_time=" . time() . "\n";
        chmod 0666, $param_file_path;
        # Append random string so finished page does not cache
        my $redirect_url = $config->{redirect_url};
        $redirect_url .= "?rnd_id=" . &generate_random_string(8);
        # Force 'redirect_using_location' if user does not have a javascript capable browser 
            $config->{redirect_using_js_html} = 0;
            $config->{redirect_using_location} = 1; 
        # Perform Redirect
            print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
            print "<html><body><font face=Arial size=2>Please wait, video is being converted...</font><form name='redirect' method='post' action=\"$redirect_url\"><input type='hidden' name='tmp_sid' value=\"$tmp_sid\"><input type='hidden' name='temp_dir' value=\"$config->{temp_dir}\"></form><script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>document.redirect.submit()</script></html>";
            # If you are using one of the following redirect methods, the 'tmp_sid' and 'temp_dir' setting will be passed
            # in the address bar. If you do not want the path to the temp dir passed in the address bar simply remove it 
            # from the redirect and hard-code the $temp_dir value in the uu_finished.php page.
            # eg. $redirect_url .= "&tmp_sid=$tmp_sid";
            # Append the session-id and path to the temp dir to the redirect url. 
            $redirect_url .= "&tmp_sid=$tmp_sid&temp_dir=$config->{temp_dir}";
                print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; 
                print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url='$redirect_url'\">"; 
                print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
                print "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">top.location='$redirect_url';</script>";  
                # Uncomment next line if using Webstar V
                # print "HTTP/1.1 302 Redirection\n";
                print "Location: $redirect_url\n\n";
    else{ &display_results_through_cgi(); }
    ######################################################### START SUBROUTINES ###################################################
    # Delete the temp dir based on tmp_sid
    sub cleanup{ deldir($temp_dir_sid); }
    # Display upload results through cgi
    sub display_results_through_cgi{
    # Confirm uploaded file exist and get size file size
    sub confirm_upload{
        for my $file_name (keys %uploaded_files){
            for my $upload_slot ( keys %{ $uploaded_files{$file_name} } ){
                my $path_to_file = $config->{upload_dir} . $file_name;
                if(-e $path_to_file && -f $path_to_file){ $uploaded_files{$file_name}{$upload_slot} = -s $path_to_file; }
    # Format the upload result and exit
    sub display_results{
        my ($upload_result, $email_file_list, $bg_col, $buffer, $js_code) = ();
        my $i = 0;
        $upload_result .= "<table cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' width='70%'>\n";
        $upload_result .= "  <tr>\n";
            $upload_result .= "    <td align='center' bgcolor='bbbbbb'>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>UPLOADED FILE NAME</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align='center' bgcolor='bbbbbb'>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>UPLOADED FILE SIZE</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n";
            $upload_result .= "  </tr>\n";
             # Loop over the file names creating table elements
        for my $file_name (keys %uploaded_files){
            if($i%2){ $bg_col = 'cccccc'; }
                else{ $bg_col = 'dddddd'; }
            for my $upload_slot ( keys %{ $uploaded_files{$file_name} } ){
                if($uploaded_files{$file_name}{$upload_slot} > 0){
                    my $file_size = &format_bytes($uploaded_files{$file_name}{$upload_slot}, 99);
                        $upload_result .= "<tr><td align='center' bgcolor='$bg_col'><a href=\"$config->{path_to_upload}$file_name\" TARGET=\"_blank\">$file_name</a><\/td><td align='center' bgcolor='$bg_col'>$file_size<\/td><\/tr>\n"; 
                        $upload_result .= "<tr><td align='center' bgcolor='$bg_col'>&nbsp;$file_name&nbsp;<\/td><td align='center' bgcolor='$bg_col'>$file_size<\/td><\/tr>\n"; 
                        $email_file_list .= "File Name: $config->{path_to_upload}$file_name     File Size: $file_size\n";
                        $email_file_list .= "File Name: $config->{path_to_upload}$file_name     File Size: $file_size\n";
                    $upload_result .= "<tr><td align='center' bgcolor='$bg_col'>&nbsp;$file_name&nbsp;<\/td><td align='center' bgcolor='$bg_col'><font color='red'>Failed To Upload<\/font><\/td><\/tr>\n";  
                    $email_file_list .= "File Name: $file_name     File Size: Failed To Upload !\n";
        $upload_result .= "</table>\n";
        $upload_result .= "<br>\n";
        # If you changed the name of the file upload page, make sure you update this link
        $upload_result .= "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Go Back\" onClick=\"javascript:top.location.href='/uu_file_upload_audios.php'\">\n";
        if($config->{send_email_on_upload}){ &email_upload_results($email_file_list); }
        &kak($upload_result, 1, __LINE__);
    #  Send an email with the upload results.
    sub email_upload_results{
        my $file_list = shift;
        my $path_to_sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
        my $message;
        my ($ssec, $smin, $shour, $smday, $smon, $syear, $swday, $syday, $sisdst) = localtime($start_time);
        my $end_time = time();
        my ($esec, $emin, $ehour, $emday, $emon, $eyear, $ewday, $eyday, $eisdst) = localtime($end_time);
        my @abbr = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
        $eyear += 1900;
        $syear += 1900;
        if(open(SENDMAIL, "|$path_to_sendmail")){
            print SENDMAIL "From:" . $config->{from_email_address} . "\n";
            print SENDMAIL "To:" . $config->{to_email_address} . "\n";
            print SENDMAIL "Subject:" . $config->{email_subject} . "\n";
                print SENDMAIL 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
                print SENDMAIL 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed' . "\r\n";
            else{ print SENDMAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; }
            $message = "\nStart Upload (epoch): " . $start_time . "\n";
            $message .= "End Upload (epoch): " . $end_time . "\n";
            $message .= "Start Upload: " . $abbr[$smon] . " " . $smday . ", " . $syear . ", " .  $shour . ":" . $smin . ":" . $ssec . "\n";
            $message .= "End Upload: " . $abbr[$emon] . " " . $emday . ", " . $eyear . ", " .  $ehour . ":" . $emin . ":" . $esec . "\n";
            $message .= "SID: ". $tmp_sid . "\n";
            $message .= "Remote IP: " . $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}  . "\n";
            $message .= "Browser: " . $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} . "\n\n";
            $message .= $file_list;
            print SENDMAIL $message;
        else{ warn("Failed to open sendmail $!"); }    
    #  formatBytes($file_size, 99) mixed file sizes
    #  formatBytes($file_size, 0) KB file sizes
    #  formatBytes($file_size, 1) MB file sizes etc
    sub format_bytes{
        my $bytes = shift;
        my $byte_format = shift;
        my $byte_size = 1024;
        my $i = 0;
        my @byte_type = (" KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB", " EB", " ZB", " YB");
        $bytes /= $byte_size;
        if($byte_format == 99 || $byte_format > 7){
            while($bytes > $byte_size){
                $bytes /= $byte_size;
            while($i < $byte_format){
                $bytes /= $byte_size;
        $bytes = sprintf("%1.2f", $bytes);
        $bytes .= $byte_type[$i];
        return $bytes;        
    # Print config, driver settings and 'Environment Variables' to screen
    sub debug{
        my ($msg, $temp_dir_state, $upload_dir_state) = ();
        if(!-d $config->{temp_dir}){ $temp_dir_state = "<font color='red'>$config->{temp_dir}<\/font>"; }
        else{ $temp_dir_state = "<font color='green'>$config->{temp_dir}<\/font>"; }
        if(!-d $config->{upload_dir}){ $upload_dir_state = "<font color='red'>$config->{upload_dir}<\/font>"; }
        else{ $upload_dir_state = "<font color='green'>$config->{upload_dir}<\/font>"; }
        $msg .= "<u><b>UBER UPLOADER CONFIG SETTINGS<\/b><\/u><br>\n";
        $msg .= "CONFIG_FILE = <b>$config->{config_file_name}<\/b><br>\n";
        $msg .= "UBER UPLOADER VERSION = <b>$uber_version<\/b><br>\n";
        $msg .= "UU_UPLOAD = <b>$this_version<\/b><br>\n";
        if($MULTI_CONFIGS_ENABLED){ $msg .= "MULTI_CONFIGS_ENABLED = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        else{ $msg .= "MULTI_CONFIGS_ENABLED = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        $msg .= "TEMP_DIR = <b>$temp_dir_state<\/b><br>\n";
        $msg .= "UPLOAD_DIR = <b>$upload_dir_state<\/b><br>\n";
        $msg .= "MAX_UPLOAD = <b>" . format_bytes($config->{max_upload}, 99) . "<\/b><br>\n";
        $msg .= "GET_DATA_SPEED = <b>$config->{get_data_speed}<\/b><br>\n";
        if($config->{cedric_progress_bar}){ $msg .= "CEDRIC_PROGRESS_BAR = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        else{ $msg .= "CEDRIC_PROGRESS_BAR = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            $msg .= "UNIQUE_UPLOAD_DIR = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; 
            $msg .= "UNIQUE_UPLOAD_DIR_LENGTH = <b>$config->{unique_upload_dir_length} chars<\/b><br>\n";
        else{ $msg .= "UNIQUE_UPLOAD_DIR = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            $msg .= "UNIQUE_FILE_NAME = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; 
            $msg .= "UNIQUE_FILE_NAME_LENGTH = <b>$config->{unique_file_name_length} chars<\/b><br>\n";
        else{ $msg .= "UNIQUE_FILE_NAME = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        if($config->{create_files_by_rename}){ $msg .= "CREATE_FILES_BY_RENAME = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        else{ $msg .= "CREATE_FILES_BY_RENAME = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        if($config->{overwrite_existing_files}){ $msg .= "OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILES = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        else{ $msg .= "OVERWRITE_EXISTING_FILES = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        if($config->{normalize_file_names}){ $msg .= "NORMALIZE_FILE_NAMES = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        else{ $msg .= "NORMALIZE_FILE_NAMES = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        if($config->{normalize_file_names}){ $msg .= "NORMALIZE_FILE_LENGTH = <b>$config->{normalize_file_length} chars<\/b><br>\n"; }
        if($config->{normalize_file_names}){ $msg .= "NORMALIZE_FILE_DELIMITER = <b>$config->{normalize_file_delimiter}<\/b><br>\n"; }
        if($config->{delete_param_file}){ $msg .= "DELETE_PARAM_FILE = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        else{ $msg .= "DELETE_PARAM_FILE = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            $msg .= "LINK_TO_UPLOAD = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n";
            $msg .= "PATH_TO_UPLOAD = <a href=\"$config->{path_to_upload}\">$config->{path_to_upload}</a><br>\n"; 
        else{ $msg .= "LINK_TO_UPLOAD = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            $msg .= "SEND_EMAIL_ON_UPLOAD = <b><font color='green'><a href=\"mailto:$config->{to_email_address}?subject=Uber Uploader Email Test\">enabled</a></font><\/b><br>\n";
            $msg .= "EMAIL_SUBJECT = <b>$config->{email_subject}<\/b><br>\n";
            if($config->{html_email_support}){ $msg .= "HTML_EMAIL_SUPPORT = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            else{ $msg .= "HTML_EMAIL_SUPPORT = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            if($config->{link_to_upload_in_email}){ $msg .= "LINK_TO_UPLOAD_IN_EMAIL = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            else{ $msg .= "LINK_TO_UPLOAD_IN_EMAIL = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        else{ $msg .= "SEND_EMAIL_ON_UPLOAD = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            $msg .= "REDIRECT_AFTER_UPLOAD = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n";
            if($config->{redirect_using_js_html}){ $msg .= "REDIRECT_USING_JS_HTML = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            else{ $msg .= "REDIRECT_USING_JS_HTML = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            if($config->{redirect_using_html}){ $msg .= "REDIRECT_USING_HTML = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            else{ $msg .= "REDIRECT_USING_HTML = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            if($config->{redirect_using_js}){ $msg .= "REDIRECT_USING_JS = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            else{ $msg .= "REDIRECT_USING_JS = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            if($config->{redirect_using_location}){ $msg .= "REDIRECT_USING_LOCATION = <b><font color='green'>enabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            else{ $msg .= "REDIRECT_USING_LOCATION = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
            $msg .= "REDIRECT_URL = <a href=\"$config->{redirect_url}?cmd=about\">$config->{redirect_url}<\/a><br>\n";
        else{ $msg .= "REDIRECT_AFTER_UPLOAD = <b><font color='red'>disabled</font><\/b><br>\n"; }
        $msg .= "<br><u><b>ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES<\/b><\/u><br>\n";
        foreach my $key (sort keys(%ENV)){ $msg .= "$key = <b>$ENV{$key}<\/b><br>\n"; } 
        &kak($msg, 1, __LINE__);
    # Rename uploaded file if it already exists 
    sub rename_filename{ 
        my $file_name = shift; 
        my $count = shift; 
        my $path_to_file = $config->{upload_dir} . $file_name;
        if(-e $path_to_file && -f $path_to_file){ 
            if($file_name =~ /(.*)_(\d*)\.(.*)/){ 
                # Already renamed so count on 
                $count = $2 + 1 ; 
                $file_name =~ s/(.*)_(\d*)\.(.*)/$1_$count\.$3/; 
                # not renamed so start counting 
                $file_name =~ s/(.*)\.(.*)/$1_$count\.$2/; 
            &rename_filename($file_name, $count); 
        else{ return $file_name; } 
    # Normalize file name
    sub normalize_filename{ 
        my $file_name = shift;
        my $delimiter = shift;
        my $max_file_length = shift;
        if(length($file_name) > $max_file_length){ $file_name = substr($file_name, length($file_name) - $max_file_length); }
        $file_name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\.\-]/$delimiter/g;
        return $file_name;
    # Generate Randon String
    sub generate_random_string{
        my $length_of_randomstring = shift;
        my @chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9');
        my $random_string;
        for(my $i = 0; $i < $length_of_randomstring; $i++){ $random_string .= $chars[int(rand(58))]; }
        return $random_string;
    Ich hoffe jmd kann mir helfen!

    grüßle, m0nk3y

  2. #2
    Der mit Anatidaephobie Avatar von blackberry
    Registriert seit


    Manchmal frage ich mich echt was sich Leute dabei denken.
    Was hat ein Script, das mit .pl aufhört und am Anfang "#!/usr/bin/perl -w" hat, in der PHP Section zu suchen?

    /moved to Perl

    PDFTT cr3w a.E. — ReiDC0Re, lindor, Sera, berry
    please do feed the trolls crew and elk
    Ehrenwerte Mitglieder im Ruhestand: OpCodez, SFX.
    "Was sich blackberry gerade denkt" — Vorsicht! Frei laufender Wahnsinn!
    Zitat von fuckinghot19: "PS: Blackberry ist auf FH der Trollkönig ^^."
    An dieser Stelle danke ich all meinen Fans und Hatern gleichermaßen ^.^

  3. #3
    Fortgeschrittener Avatar von m0nk3y
    Registriert seit


    im prinzip nix, aber es bezieht sich auf eine mit PHP basierenden website.
    Demzufolge und au in der Hinsicht das ich mich mit Perl weniger auskenn, hab ich mir gedacht -----> PHP Section
    btw. thx for move
    Geändert von m0nk3y (28.02.2010 um 18:39 Uhr)

  4. #4
    just call me n0va ^.^ Avatar von novaca!ne
    Registriert seit


    wenn es fehler 500 ist, dann kanns es sein das es nicht an dir liegt:
    500 Internal Server Error

    Teilt dem Client mit, dass der Server einen internen Fehler entdeckt hat und deshalb den Request nicht beantworten kann.
    hilfe in jeglichen bereichen [ausser RAT support >.<]
    Zitat Zitat von Starflow Beitrag anzeigen
    Google kan man nicht nur als Startseite benutzen....



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