Ergebnis 1 bis 8 von 8


  1. #8
    Registriert seit


    Ich habe grade ein ganz anderes Problem, weiß grad echt nicht weiter ^^

    $output = preg_replace('#(Executed \d+ queries)#siU', 'Memory Usage: ' . number_format((memory_get_usage() / 1024)) . 'KB, \1', $output); } // parse PHP include ################## ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('global_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false; if ($vbulletin->options['gzipoutput'] AND !headers_sent()) { $output = fetch_gzipped_text($output, $vbulletin->options['gziplevel']); if ($sendheader AND $vbulletin->donegzip) { @header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($output)); } } if (defined('NOSHUTDOWNFUNC')) { exec_shut_down(); } // show regular page if (empty($vbulletin->db->explain)) { echo $output; } // show explain else { $querytime = $vbulletin->db->time_total; echo "\nPage generated in $totaltime seconds with " . $vbulletin->db->querycount . " queries,\nspending $querytime doing MySQL queries and " . ($totaltime - $querytime) . " doing PHP things.\n\nShutdown Queries:" . (defined('NOSHUTDOWNFUNC') ? " DISABLED" : '') . "\n\n"; } // broken if zlib.output_compression is on with Apache 2 if (SAPI_NAME != 'apache2handler' AND SAPI_NAME != 'apache2filter') { flush(); } exit; } // ################################################## ########################### /** * Performs general clean-up after the system exits, such as running shutdown queries */ function exec_shut_down() { global $vbulletin; global $foruminfo, $threadinfo, $calendarinfo; if (VB_AREA == 'Install' OR VB_AREA == 'Upgrade') { return; } $vbulletin->db->unlock_tables(); if (!empty($vbulletin->userinfo['badlocation'])) { $threadinfo = array('threadid' => 0); $foruminfo = array('forumid' => 0); $calendarinfo = array('calendarid' => 0); } if (!$vbulletin->options['bbactive'] AND !($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel'])) { // Forum is disabled and this is not someone with admin access $vbulletin->userinfo['badlocation'] = 2; } if (class_exists('vBulletinHook')) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('global_shutdown')) ? eval($hook) : false; } if (is_object($vbulletin->session)) { if (!defined('LOCATION_BYPASS')) { $vbulletin->session->set('inforum', $foruminfo['forumid']); $vbulletin->session->set('inthread', $threadinfo['threadid']); $vbulletin->session->set('incalendar', $calendarinfo['calendarid']); } $vbulletin->session->set('badlocation', $vbulletin->userinfo['badlocation']); if ($vbulletin->session->vars['loggedin'] == 1 AND !$vbulletin->session->created) { # If loggedin = 1, this is out first page view after a login so change value to 2 to signify we are past the first page view # We do a DST update check if loggedin = 1 $vbulletin->session->set('loggedin', 2); if (!empty($vbulletin->profilefield['required'])) { foreach ($vbulletin->profilefield['required'] AS $fieldname => $value) { if (!isset($vbulletin->userinfo["$fieldname"]) OR $vbulletin->userinfo["$fieldname"] === '') { $vbulletin->session->set('profileupdate', 1); break; } } } } $vbulletin->session->save(); } if (is_array($vbulletin->db->shutdownqueries)) { $vbulletin->db->hide_errors(); foreach($vbulletin->db->shutdownqueries AS $name => $query) { if (!empty($query) AND ($name !== 'pmpopup' OR !defined('NOPMPOPUP'))) { $vbulletin->db->query_write($query); } } $vbulletin->db->show_errors(); } exec_mail_queue(); // Make sure the database connection is closed since it can get hung up for a long time on php4 do to the mysterious echo() lagging issue // If NOSHUTDOWNFUNC is defined then this function should always be the last one called, before echoing of data if (defined('NOSHUTDOWNFUNC')) { $vbulletin->db->close(); } $vbulletin->db->shutdownqueries = array(); // bye bye! } /** * Spreads an array of values across the given number of stepped levels based on * their standard deviation from the mean value. * * The function accepts an array of $id => $value and returns $id => $level. * * @param array $values - Array of id => values * @param integer $levels - Number of levels to assign */ function fetch_standard_deviated_levels($values, $levels=5) { if (!$count = sizeof($values)) { return array(); } $total = $summation = 0; $results = array(); // calculate the total foreach ($values AS $value) { $total += $value; } // calculate the mean $mean = $total / $count; // calculate the summation foreach ($values AS $id => $value) { $summation += pow(($value - $mean), 2); } $sd = sqrt($summation / $count); if ($sd) { $sdvalues = array(); $lowestsds = 0; $highestsds = 0; // find the max and min standard deviations foreach ($values AS $id => $value) { $value = (($value - $mean) / $sd); $values[$id] = $value; $lowestsds = min($value, $lowestsds); $highestsds = max($value, $highestsds); } foreach ($values AS $id => $value) { // normalize the std devs to 0 - 1, then map back to 1 - #levls $values[$id] = round((($value - $lowestsds) / ($highestsds - $lowestsds)) * ($levels - 1)) + 1; } } else { foreach ($values AS $id => $value) { $values[$id] = round($levels / 2); } } return $values; } /*================================================= =====================*\ || ################################################## ################## || # NulleD - FintMax || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 29127 $ || ################################################## ################## \*================================================ ======================*/ ?> e('products', serialize($products), 1); } /** * Verifies that the optimizer you are using with vB is compatible. Bugs in * various versions of optimizers such as Turck MMCache and eAccelerator * have rendered vB unusable. * * @return string|bool Returns true if no error, else returns a string that represents the error that occured */ function verify_optimizer_environment() { // fail if eAccelerator is too old or Turck is loaded if (extension_loaded('Turck MMCache')) { return 'mmcache_not_supported'; } else if (extension_loaded('eAccelerator')) { // first, attempt to use phpversion()... if ($eaccelerator_version = phpversion('eAccelerator')) { if (version_compare($eaccelerator_version, '0.9.3', '<') AND (@ini_get('eaccelerator.enable') OR @ini_get('eaccelerator.optimizer'))) { return 'eaccelerator_too_old'; } } // phpversion() failed, use phpinfo data else if (function_exists('phpinfo') AND function_exists('ob_start') AND @ob_start()) { eval('phpinfo();'); $info = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); preg_match('#eAccelerator supportenabled(?:\s+)Version (.*?)(?:\s+)Caching Enabled (.*?)(?:\s+)Optimizer Enabled (.*?)#si', $info, $hits); if (!empty($hits[0])) { $version = trim($hits[1]); $caching = trim($hits[2]); $optimizer = trim($hits[3]); if (($caching === 'true' OR $optimizer === 'true') AND version_compare($version, '0.9.3', '<')) { return 'eaccelerator_too_old'; } } } } else if (extension_loaded('apc')) { // first, attempt to use phpversion()... if ($apc_version = phpversion('apc')) { if (version_compare($apc_version, '2.0.4', '<')) { return 'apc_too_old'; } } // phpversion() failed, use phpinfo data else if (function_exists('phpinfo') AND function_exists('ob_start') AND @ob_start()) { eval('phpinfo();'); $info = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); preg_match('#APC supportenabled(?:\s+)Version (.*?)#si', $info, $hits); if (!empty($hits[0])) { $version = trim($hits[1]); if (version_compare($version, '2.0.4', '<')) { return 'apc_too_old'; } } } } return true; } /** * Checks userid is a user that shouldn't be editable * * @param integer userid to check * * @return boolean */ function is_unalterable_user($userid) { global $vbulletin; static $noalter = null; if (!$userid) { return false; } if ($noalter === null) { $noalter = explode(',', $vbulletin->config['SpecialUsers']['undeletableusers']); if (!is_array($noalter)) { $noalter = array(); } } return in_array($userid, $noalter); } /** * Resolves an image URL used in the CP that should be relative to the root directory. * * @param string The path to resolve * * @return string Resolved path */ function resolve_cp_image_url($image_path) { if ($image_path[0] == '/' OR preg_match('#^https?://#i', $image_path)) { return $image_path; } else { return "../$image_path"; } } /*================================================= =====================*\ || ################################################## ################## || # NulleD - FintMax || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 29335 $ || ################################################## ################## \*================================================ ======================*/ ?> #all { margin: 10px; } #
    Ich Habs selbst rausgefunden Trotzdem Danke

    Ohh jez hab ichs Instaliert und wen ich jez zum Admin panel will kommt nur eine Weißte seite mit Codes -.- (Könnt ihr mir helfen?)

    $output = preg_replace('#(Executed \d+ queries)#siU', 'Memory Usage: ' . number_format((memory_get_usage() / 1024)) . 'KB, \1', $output); } // parse PHP include ################## ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('global_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false; if ($vbulletin->options['gzipoutput'] AND !headers_sent()) { $output = fetch_gzipped_text($output, $vbulletin->options['gziplevel']); if ($sendheader AND $vbulletin->donegzip) { @header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($output)); } } if (defined('NOSHUTDOWNFUNC')) { exec_shut_down(); } // show regular page if (empty($vbulletin->db->explain)) { echo $output; } // show explain else { $querytime = $vbulletin->db->time_total; echo "\nPage generated in $totaltime seconds with " . $vbulletin->db->querycount . " queries,\nspending $querytime doing MySQL queries and " . ($totaltime - $querytime) . " doing PHP things.\n\nShutdown Queries:" . (defined('NOSHUTDOWNFUNC') ? " DISABLED" : '') . "\n\n"; } // broken if zlib.output_compression is on with Apache 2 if (SAPI_NAME != 'apache2handler' AND SAPI_NAME != 'apache2filter') { flush(); } exit; } // ################################################## ########################### /** * Performs general clean-up after the system exits, such as running shutdown queries */ function exec_shut_down() { global $vbulletin; global $foruminfo, $threadinfo, $calendarinfo; if (VB_AREA == 'Install' OR VB_AREA == 'Upgrade') { return; } $vbulletin->db->unlock_tables(); if (!empty($vbulletin->userinfo['badlocation'])) { $threadinfo = array('threadid' => 0); $foruminfo = array('forumid' => 0); $calendarinfo = array('calendarid' => 0); } if (!$vbulletin->options['bbactive'] AND !($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel'])) { // Forum is disabled and this is not someone with admin access $vbulletin->userinfo['badlocation'] = 2; } if (class_exists('vBulletinHook')) { ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('global_shutdown')) ? eval($hook) : false; } if (is_object($vbulletin->session)) { if (!defined('LOCATION_BYPASS')) { $vbulletin->session->set('inforum', $foruminfo['forumid']); $vbulletin->session->set('inthread', $threadinfo['threadid']); $vbulletin->session->set('incalendar', $calendarinfo['calendarid']); } $vbulletin->session->set('badlocation', $vbulletin->userinfo['badlocation']); if ($vbulletin->session->vars['loggedin'] == 1 AND !$vbulletin->session->created) { # If loggedin = 1, this is out first page view after a login so change value to 2 to signify we are past the first page view # We do a DST update check if loggedin = 1 $vbulletin->session->set('loggedin', 2); if (!empty($vbulletin->profilefield['required'])) { foreach ($vbulletin->profilefield['required'] AS $fieldname => $value) { if (!isset($vbulletin->userinfo["$fieldname"]) OR $vbulletin->userinfo["$fieldname"] === '') { $vbulletin->session->set('profileupdate', 1); break; } } } } $vbulletin->session->save(); } if (is_array($vbulletin->db->shutdownqueries)) { $vbulletin->db->hide_errors(); foreach($vbulletin->db->shutdownqueries AS $name => $query) { if (!empty($query) AND ($name !== 'pmpopup' OR !defined('NOPMPOPUP'))) { $vbulletin->db->query_write($query); } } $vbulletin->db->show_errors(); } exec_mail_queue(); // Make sure the database connection is closed since it can get hung up for a long time on php4 do to the mysterious echo() lagging issue // If NOSHUTDOWNFUNC is defined then this function should always be the last one called, before echoing of data if (defined('NOSHUTDOWNFUNC')) { $vbulletin->db->close(); } $vbulletin->db->shutdownqueries = array(); // bye bye! } /** * Spreads an array of values across the given number of stepped levels based on * their standard deviation from the mean value. * * The function accepts an array of $id => $value and returns $id => $level. * * @param array $values - Array of id => values * @param integer $levels - Number of levels to assign */ function fetch_standard_deviated_levels($values, $levels=5) { if (!$count = sizeof($values)) { return array(); } $total = $summation = 0; $results = array(); // calculate the total foreach ($values AS $value) { $total += $value; } // calculate the mean $mean = $total / $count; // calculate the summation foreach ($values AS $id => $value) { $summation += pow(($value - $mean), 2); } $sd = sqrt($summation / $count); if ($sd) { $sdvalues = array(); $lowestsds = 0; $highestsds = 0; // find the max and min standard deviations foreach ($values AS $id => $value) { $value = (($value - $mean) / $sd); $values[$id] = $value; $lowestsds = min($value, $lowestsds); $highestsds = max($value, $highestsds); } foreach ($values AS $id => $value) { // normalize the std devs to 0 - 1, then map back to 1 - #levls $values[$id] = round((($value - $lowestsds) / ($highestsds - $lowestsds)) * ($levels - 1)) + 1; } } else { foreach ($values AS $id => $value) { $values[$id] = round($levels / 2); } } return $values; } /*================================================= =====================*\ || ################################################## ################## || # NulleD - FintMax || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 29127 $ || ################################################## ################## \*================================================ ======================*/ ?>

    Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
    File: /www/htdocs/w00ce9f1/main/forum/includes/functions.php
    Line: 5920

    Geändert von shischa89 (02.08.2010 um 23:39 Uhr) Grund: Automerged Doublepost

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