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  1. #11
    0x532d4d6f64 Avatar von Barny
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: "Meinten Sie [...]" in Python?

    Zitat Zitat von Beitrag anzeigen
    wenn du möchtest kann ich den code mal posten (wenn du noch Hilfe brauchst)
    Ich würde den Code gerne einmal sehen. Hab in diese Richtung bisher nämlich garnix gemacht.

    Habe mich jetzt auch einmal dran gesetzt und nachfolgender Code ist dabei rausgekommen. Bitte seid gnädig mit mir, ich entwickle eigentlich nicht in Python und hab das nur in Python gemacht, weil das ja so gefordert war. Also ich habe bestimmt einige Stilfehler drin.

    Zum Code:
    Der Code fragt direkt bei GooglePlay die Package-Namen der Apps. Das Ergebnis ist selbstverständlich abhängig von dem Suchparameter. Diesen könnt ihr anpassen, in dem ihr den Inhalt der Variable "QUERY" (ganz oben) einmal anpasst. Im Moment steht "the+room" drin (im übrigen ein top Spiel ). Leerzeichen müssen durch ein "+" gekennzeichnet werden.

    Ich habe mir Mühe gegeben den Code zu verständlich wie nur möglich zu kommentieren. Aber kurz zusammengefasst rufe ich GooglePlay mit genau den Suchparamtern auf und parse mir aus der Antwort alle Links heraus ("href="). Diese verweisen weiter auf die Detailseiten der Apps, und der Link enthält den Package-Namen. Schön ist hierbei auch, dass so durch kleine Anpassungen auch der Kiosk und die Filme druchsucht werden können. Derzeit wird aber nur nach Apps gesucht. Hier also der Code:

    Viele Grüße,


    ~~~ Blog ~~~
    ~~~ PGP-Key ~~~

  2. Folgende Benutzer haben sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt:

    Dailox (03.12.2016), Starflow (18.11.2016)

  3. #12
    Sobig Wurm
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: "Meinten Sie [...]" in Python?

    Danke für alle eure Antworten! Barnys Lösung hat mir sehr weitergeholfen.

    sry, dass ich nicht sofort geantwortet hatte. Rl und so kam dazwischen ^^

  4. #13
    Master of Porn Avatar von sp1nny
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: "Meinten Sie [...]" in Python?


    hab mich auch eben rangesetzt und den von Barny bereitgestellten Code (danke dafür ) nochmals refactored.
    Mit regulären Ausdrücken konnte man einiges an Zeilen sparen. 8)

    # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
    import urllib.request
    import re
    from functools import reduce
    # Must-Have Data
    QUERY = "the+room"
    GOOGLE_URL = r"" + QUERY + r"&hl=de"
    # Hole den ganzen HTML-Geschiss von GooglePlay
    def get_google_content():
        return str(urllib.request.urlopen(GOOGLE_URL).read())
    # Hole alle URL´s aus dem Quelltext heraus
    def parse_urls(content):
        regex = re.compile(r"href=\"(.*?)\"")
        return regex.findall(content)
    # Holt aus den geparsten URL´s die Namen der Pakete heraus
    def parse_app_names(app_list):
        all_as_str = reduce(lambda x, y: x + " " + y, app_list)
        regex = re.compile(r"/store/apps/details\?id=(.+?) ")
        return list(set(regex.findall(all_as_str)))
    # Hole URL´s
    urls = parse_urls(get_google_content())
    # Parse aus den URL´s die Paketnamen
    app_names = parse_app_names(urls)
    # Gib die ganze Liste aus
    for name in app_names:
    Geändert von sp1nny (09.12.2016 um 13:59 Uhr)

  5. Folgende Benutzer haben sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt:

    Barny (06.12.2016), Dailox (07.12.2016)

  6. #14
    Moderator Avatar von
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: "Meinten Sie [...]" in Python?

    Hier ist der SQL Code. Man nutzt die Funktion indem man heuristicScore([DIE SPALTE DIE ABGEFRAGT WERDEN SOLL],[DER STRING DEN MAN SUCHT]) mit in den query packt. Die Funktion haut eine zahl raus. Je höher die zahl ist desto wahrscheinlicher ist das Wort gemeint. man muss die liste dann nur noch nach der score sortieren.

    DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `flb`.`dm` $$
    CREATE FUNCTION `dm`(st VARCHAR(55)) RETURNS varchar(128) CHARSET utf8
        NO SQL
        DECLARE length, first, last, pos, prevpos, is_slavo_germanic SMALLINT;
        DECLARE pri, sec VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT '';
        DECLARE ch CHAR(1);
        SET first = 3;
        SET length = CHAR_LENGTH(st);
        SET last = first + length -1;
        SET st = CONCAT(REPEAT('-', first -1), UCASE(st), REPEAT(' ', 5));
        SET is_slavo_germanic = (st LIKE '%W%' OR st LIKE '%K%' OR st LIKE '%CZ%');
        SET pos = first; 
        IF SUBSTRING(st, first, 2) IN ('GN', 'KN', 'PN', 'WR', 'PS') THEN
            SET pos = pos + 1;
        END IF;
        IF SUBSTRING(st, first, 1) = 'X' THEN
            SET pri = 'S', sec = 'S', pos = pos  + 1; 
        END IF;
        WHILE pos <= last DO
        SET prevpos = pos;
            SET ch = SUBSTRING(st, pos, 1); 
            WHEN ch IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') THEN
                IF pos = first THEN 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'A'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'A'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                    SET pos = pos + 1;
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'B' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'B' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'P'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'P'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'P'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'P'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'C' THEN
                IF (pos > (first + 1) AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-2, 1) NOT IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 3) = 'ACH' AND
                   (SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 1) NOT IN ('I', 'E') OR SUBSTRING(st, pos-2, 6) IN ('BACHER', 'MACHER'))) THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                ELSEIF pos = first AND SUBSTRING(st, first, 6) = 'CAESAR' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 4) = 'CHIA' THEN 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) = 'CH' THEN
                    IF pos > first AND SUBSTRING(st, pos, 4) = 'CHAE' THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    ELSEIF pos = first AND (SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 5) IN ('HARAC', 'HARIS') OR
                       SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 3) IN ('HOR', 'HYM', 'HIA', 'HEM')) AND SUBSTRING(st, first, 5) != 'CHORE' THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, first, 4) IN ('VAN ', 'VON ') OR SUBSTRING(st, first, 3) = 'SCH'
                       OR SUBSTRING(st, pos-2, 6) IN ('ORCHES', 'ARCHIT', 'ORCHID')
                       OR SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 1) IN ('T', 'S')
                       OR ((SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) IN ('A', 'O', 'U', 'E') OR pos = first)
                       AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 1) IN ('L', 'R', 'N', 'M', 'B', 'H', 'F', 'V', 'W', ' ')) THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        IF pos > first THEN
                            IF SUBSTRING(st, first, 2) = 'MC' THEN
                                SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2;
                                SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2;
                            END IF;
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) = 'CZ' AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-2, 4) != 'WICZ' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 3) = 'CIA' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 3;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) = 'CC' AND NOT (pos = (first +1) AND SUBSTRING(st, first, 1) = 'M') THEN
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 1) IN ('I', 'E', 'H') AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 2) != 'HU' THEN
                        IF (pos = first +1 AND SUBSTRING(st, first) = 'A') OR
                           SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 5) IN ('UCCEE', 'UCCES') THEN
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'KS'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'KS'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 3;
                        END IF;
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2;
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) IN ('CK', 'CG', 'CQ') THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) IN ('CI', 'CE', 'CY') THEN
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 3) IN ('CIO', 'CIE', 'CIA') THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'), pos = pos  + 2;
                    END IF;
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 2) IN (' C', ' Q', ' G') THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 3;
                        IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('C', 'K', 'Q') AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 2) NOT IN ('CE', 'CI') THEN
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'D' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) = 'DG' THEN
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 1) IN ('I', 'E', 'Y') THEN 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'J'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'TK'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'TK'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) IN ('DT', 'DD') THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'T'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'T'), pos = pos  + 2;
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'T'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'T'), pos = pos  + 1;
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'F' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'F' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'F'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'F'), pos = pos  + 2;
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'F'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'F'), pos = pos  + 1;
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'G' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'H' THEN
                    IF (pos > first AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) NOT IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y')) 
                        OR ( pos = first AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 1) != 'I') THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    ELSEIF pos = first AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 1) = 'I' THEN
                         SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'J'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    ELSEIF (pos > (first + 1) AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-2, 1) IN ('B', 'H', 'D') )
                       OR (pos > (first + 2) AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-3, 1) IN ('B', 'H', 'D') )
                       OR (pos > (first + 3) AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-4, 1) IN ('B', 'H') ) THEN
                        SET pos = pos + 2; 
                        IF pos > (first + 2) AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) = 'U'
                           AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-3, 1) IN ('C', 'G', 'L', 'R', 'T') THEN
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'F'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'F'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        ELSEIF pos > first AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) != 'I' THEN
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2;
                  SET pos = pos + 1;
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'N' THEN
                    IF pos = (first +1) AND SUBSTRING(st, first, 1) IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') AND NOT is_slavo_germanic THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'KN'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'N'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 2) != 'EY' AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) != 'Y'
                            AND NOT is_slavo_germanic THEN
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'N'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'KN'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'KN'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'KN'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 2) = 'LI' AND NOT is_slavo_germanic THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'KL'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'L'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                ELSEIF pos = first AND (SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'Y'
                   OR SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 2) IN ('ES', 'EP', 'EB', 'EL', 'EY', 'IB', 'IL', 'IN', 'IE', 'EI', 'ER')) THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'J'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                ELSEIF (SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 2) = 'ER' OR SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'Y')
                   AND SUBSTRING(st, first, 6) NOT IN ('DANGER', 'RANGER', 'MANGER')
                   AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) not IN ('E', 'I') AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 3) NOT IN ('RGY', 'OGY') THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'J'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('E', 'I', 'Y') OR SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 4) IN ('AGGI', 'OGGI') THEN
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, first, 4) IN ('VON ', 'VAN ') OR SUBSTRING(st, first, 3) = 'SCH'
                       OR SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 2) = 'ET' THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 4) = 'IER ' THEN
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'J'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'G' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'H' THEN
                IF (pos = first OR SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y')) 
                    AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'H'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'H'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pos = pos + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'J' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 4) = 'JOSE' OR SUBSTRING(st, first, 4) = 'SAN ' THEN
                    IF (pos = first AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+4, 1) = ' ') OR SUBSTRING(st, first, 4) = 'SAN ' THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'H'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'H'); 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'H'); 
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF pos = first AND SUBSTRING(st, pos, 4) != 'JOSE' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'A'); 
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') AND NOT is_slavo_germanic
                       AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('A', 'O') THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'H'); 
                        IF pos = last THEN
                            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'); 
                            IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) not IN ('L', 'T', 'K', 'S', 'N', 'M', 'B', 'Z')
                               AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) not IN ('S', 'K', 'L') THEN
                                SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'J'); 
                            END IF;
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                END IF;
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'J' THEN
                    SET pos = pos + 2;
                    SET pos = pos + 1;
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'K' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'K' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'L' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'L' THEN
                    IF (pos = (last - 2) AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 4) IN ('ILLO', 'ILLA', 'ALLE'))
                       OR ((SUBSTRING(st, last-1, 2) IN ('AS', 'OS') OR SUBSTRING(st, last) IN ('A', 'O'))
                       AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 4) = 'ALLE') THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'L'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'L'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'L'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    END IF;
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'L'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'L'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'M' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 3) = 'UMB'
                   AND (pos + 1 = last OR SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 2) = 'ER')
                   OR SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'M' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'M'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'M'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'M'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'M'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'N' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'N' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'N'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'N'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'N'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'N'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'P' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'H' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'F'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'F'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('P', 'B') THEN 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'P'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'P'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'P'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'P'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'Q' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'Q' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'K'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'K'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'R' THEN
                IF pos = last AND not is_slavo_germanic
                   AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-2, 2) = 'IE' AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-4, 2) NOT IN ('ME', 'MA') THEN
                    SET sec = CONCAT(sec, 'R'); 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'R'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'R'); 
                END IF;
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'R' THEN
                    SET pos = pos + 2;
                    SET pos = pos + 1;
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'S' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 3) IN ('ISL', 'YSL') THEN
                    SET pos = pos + 1;
                ELSEIF pos = first AND SUBSTRING(st, first, 5) = 'SUGAR' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) = 'SH' THEN
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 4) IN ('HEIM', 'HOEK', 'HOLM', 'HOLZ') THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 3) IN ('SIO', 'SIA') OR SUBSTRING(st, pos, 4) = 'SIAN' THEN
                    IF NOT is_slavo_germanic THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF (pos = first AND SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('M', 'N', 'L', 'W')) OR SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'Z' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'); 
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'Z' THEN
                        SET pos = pos + 2;
                        SET pos = pos + 1;
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) = 'SC' THEN
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 1) = 'H' THEN
                        IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+3, 2) IN ('OO', 'ER', 'EN', 'UY', 'ED', 'EM') THEN
                            IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+3, 2) IN ('ER', 'EN') THEN
                                SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'SK'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                                SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'SK'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'SK'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                            END IF;
                            IF pos = first AND SUBSTRING(st, first+3, 1) not IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') AND SUBSTRING(st, first+3, 1) != 'W' THEN
                                SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                                SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                            END IF;
                        END IF;
                    ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 1) IN ('I', 'E', 'Y') THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'SK'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'SK'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF pos = last AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-2, 2) IN ('AI', 'OI') THEN
                    SET sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'); 
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('S', 'Z') THEN
                        SET pos = pos + 2;
                        SET pos = pos + 1;
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'T' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 4) = 'TION' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 3) IN ('TIA', 'TCH') THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'X'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'X'), pos = pos  + 3; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) = 'TH' OR SUBSTRING(st, pos, 3) = 'TTH' THEN
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+2, 2) IN ('OM', 'AM') OR SUBSTRING(st, first, 4) IN ('VON ', 'VAN ')
                       OR SUBSTRING(st, first, 3) = 'SCH' THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'T'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'T'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, '0'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'T'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('T', 'D') THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'T'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'T'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'T'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'T'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'V' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'V' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'F'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'F'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'F'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'F'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'W' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) = 'WR' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'R'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'R'), pos = pos  + 2; 
                ELSEIF pos = first AND (SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y')
                    OR SUBSTRING(st, pos, 2) = 'WH') THEN
                    IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') THEN
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'A'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'F'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                        SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'A'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'A'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF (pos = last AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) IN ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y'))
                   OR SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 5) IN ('EWSKI', 'EWSKY', 'OWSKI', 'OWSKY')
                   OR SUBSTRING(st, first, 3) = 'SCH' THEN
                    SET sec = CONCAT(sec, 'F'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos, 4) IN ('WICZ', 'WITZ') THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'TS'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'FX'), pos = pos  + 4; 
                    SET pos = pos + 1;
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'X' THEN
                IF not(pos = last AND (SUBSTRING(st, pos-3, 3) IN ('IAU', 'EAU')
                   OR SUBSTRING(st, pos-2, 2) IN ('AU', 'OU'))) THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'KS'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'KS'); 
                END IF;
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) IN ('C', 'X') THEN
                    SET pos = pos + 2;
                    SET pos = pos + 1;
                END IF;
            WHEN ch = 'Z' THEN
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'H' THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'J'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'J'), pos = pos  + 1; 
                ELSEIF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 3) IN ('ZO', 'ZI', 'ZA')
                   OR (is_slavo_germanic AND pos > first AND SUBSTRING(st, pos-1, 1) != 'T') THEN
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'TS'); 
                    SET pri = CONCAT(pri, 'S'), sec = CONCAT(sec, 'S'); 
                END IF;
                IF SUBSTRING(st, pos+1, 1) = 'Z' THEN
                    SET pos = pos + 2;
                    SET pos = pos + 1;
                END IF;
                SET pos = pos + 1; 
            END CASE;
        IF pos = prevpos THEN
           SET pos = pos +1;
           SET pri = CONCAT(pri,'<didnt incr>'); 
        END IF;
        END WHILE;
        IF pri != sec THEN
            SET pri = CONCAT(pri, ';', sec);
      END IF;
        RETURN (pri);
    END $$
      DECLARE s1_len, s2_len, i, j, c, c_temp, cost INT;
      DECLARE s1_char CHAR;
      DECLARE cv0, cv1 VARBINARY(256);
      SET s1_len = CHAR_LENGTH(s1), s2_len = CHAR_LENGTH(s2), cv1 = '\0', j = 1, i = 1, c = 0;
      IF s1 = s2 THEN
        RETURN 0;
      ELSEIF s1_len = 0 THEN
        RETURN s2_len;
      ELSEIF s2_len = 0 THEN
        RETURN s1_len;
        WHILE j <= s2_len DO
          SET cv1 = CONCAT(cv1, UNHEX(HEX(j))), j = j + 1;
        END WHILE;
        WHILE i <= s1_len DO
          SET s1_char = SUBSTRING(s1, i, 1), c = i, cv0 = UNHEX(HEX(i)), j = 1;
          WHILE j <= s2_len DO
            SET c = c + 1;
            IF s1_char = SUBSTRING(s2, j, 1) THEN SET cost = 0; ELSE SET cost = 1; END IF;
            SET c_temp = CONV(HEX(SUBSTRING(cv1, j, 1)), 16, 10) + cost;
            IF c > c_temp THEN SET c = c_temp; END IF;
            SET c_temp = CONV(HEX(SUBSTRING(cv1, j+1, 1)), 16, 10) + 1;
            IF c > c_temp THEN SET c = c_temp; END IF;
            SET cv0 = CONCAT(cv0, UNHEX(HEX(c))), j = j + 1;
          END WHILE;
          SET cv1 = cv0, i = i + 1;
        END WHILE;
      END IF;
      RETURN c;
    CREATE FUNCTION heuristicScore(tblString VARCHAR(255),searchString VARCHAR(255))
      DECLARE score1,score2, score3 INT;
       DECLARE meta1, meta2 VARCHAR(256);
       SET score3 = 100;
    SET tblString = LOWER(tblString);
    SET searchString = LOWER(searchString);
    IF STRCMP(tblString,searchString) != 0 THEN
       SET meta1 = dm(tblString);
       SET meta2 = dm(searchString);
       SET score1 = LEVENSHTEIN(tblString,searchString);
       SET score2 = LEVENSHTEIN(meta1,meta2);
        SET score3 = score3 - (score1*2); 
        SET score3 = score3 - (score2*4); 
        SET meta2 = CONCAT('%',meta2);
        SET meta2 = CONCAT(meta2,'%');
        IF meta1 NOT LIKE meta2 THEN
        SET score3 = score3 -10;
        END IF;
      END IF;
      RETURN score3;

  7. Folgende Benutzer haben sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt:

    Barny (06.12.2016), Dailox (07.12.2016)

  8. #15
    Sobig Wurm
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: "Meinten Sie [...]" in Python?

    uff, danke euch

    Der SQL Code sieht auch sehr interessant aus @Jut4h
    Danke nochmals ^^

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