Hallo Freie-Häcker,
ich bin in Besitz eines erfreudigen Code-Schnipsels, mit dessen Hilfe man Memory-Signaturen (Byte-Pattern) suchen kann.
Rückgabewert ist, wenn eine Übereinstimmung gefunden worden ist, die erste Adresse.
Hier der Code (memory.vb; Modul):
Module memory
Public Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "KERNEL32" _
(ByVal DesiredAccess As Int32, _
ByVal InheritHandle As Boolean, _
ByVal ProcessId As Int32) _
As Int32
Private Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "KERNEL32" _
(ByVal Handle As Int32, _
ByVal address As Int32, _
ByRef Value As Int32, _
Optional ByVal Size As Int32 = 4, _
Optional ByVal lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Int64 = 0) _
As Long
Public PROCESS_VM_READ As Int32 = 16
Public PROCESS_VM_WRITE As Int32 = 32
Private process_id As Int32 = 0
Public pHandle As Integer = 0
Public Function GetProcessId(ByVal game_name As String) As Boolean
Dim Processes() As Process = Process.GetProcesses
Dim process_name As String
Dim i As Byte
For i = LBound(Processes) To UBound(Processes)
process_name = Processes(i).ProcessName
If process_name = game_name Then
process_id = Processes(i).Id
pHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_OPERATION + PROCESS_VM_WRITE + PROCESS_VM_READ, False, process_id)
Return True
End If
If process_id = 0 Then
Return False
End If
Return False
End Function
Public Function ReadByte(ByVal address As Int32) As Integer
Dim value As Integer
ReadProcessMemory(pHandle, address, value, 1, 0)
Return value
End Function
Public Function AOBSCAN(ByVal GameName As String, ByVal ModuleName As String, ByVal Signature As Byte()) As Integer
Dim BaseAddress As Int32
Dim EndAddress As Int32
For Each PM As ProcessModule In Process.GetProcessesByName(GameName)(0).Modules
If ModuleName = PM.ModuleName Then
BaseAddress = PM.BaseAddress
EndAddress = BaseAddress + PM.ModuleMemorySize
End If
Dim curAddr As Int32 = BaseAddress
For i As Integer = 0 To Signature.Length - 1
If ReadByte(curAddr + i) = Signature(i) Then
If i = Signature.Length - 1 Then
' Form1.Label1.Text = curAddr.ToString("X")
Return curAddr
End If
Continue For
End If
Exit For
curAddr += 1
Loop While curAddr < EndAddress
Return 0
End Function
End Module
If GetProcessId("GAME") = False Then
Exit Sub
Else : AOBSCAN("GAME", MODUL", New Byte() {&HAB, &HCD, &HEF, &H12, &H34, &H45})
End If
bei Modern Warfare 3 gibt es absolut keine Probleme. Meine Adresse wird gefunden:
If GetProcessId("iw5mp") = False Then
Exit Sub
Else : AOBSCAN("iw5mp", "iw5mp.exe", New Byte() {&HAB, &HCD, &HEF, &H12, &H34, &H45})
End If
Man beachte, dass das Modul bei MW3 auch "iw5mp.exe" heißt.
Mein Problem findet sich jetzt aber bei Counterstrike: Source:
If GetProcessId("hl2") = False Then
Exit Sub
Else : AOBSCAN("hl2", "client.dll", New Byte() {&HAB, &HCD, &HEF, &H12, &H34, &H45})
End If
Die Adresse, die ich suche, befindet sich im Modul "client.dll".
Ich überprüfe das Byte-Array im Memory mit Cheat-Engine (auch extra geändert, um es einzigartig zu machen), und obwohl sie theoretisch einmal überienstimmten würden, findet das Programm nichts.
Meine Vermutung ist, dass es wohl an "client.dll" liegt.
Wenn jemand eine Lösung weiß, bin ich um jede Antwort dankbar!