Experts agree that asthm Asthma is a predisposition to chronic inflammation of the lungs in which the airways (bronchi) are reversibly narrowed. Asthma is a predisposition to chronic inflammation of the lungs in which the airways (bronchi) are reversibly narrowed. Triggers can cause the airways to become narrow and inflamed, leading to asthma symptoms. Triggers like pollen can be more difficult to determine because the allergens are not visible. Through a series of case studies, it discusses the causes and symptoms, treatments, effects of asthma, and ongoing research. If you have symptoms after coming in contact with cats or dogs (the most common causes of pet allergies) then pets are probably one of your triggers. Anything that causes a reaction can set off your asthma symptoms. A reaction may not be immediate. Alle anderen Nebenwirkungen kann ich zur Not akzeptieren. It is not always possible to avoid your triggers however reducing exposure to your asthma or allergy triggers may make your symptoms easier to manage. FDA Requires Stronger Warning About Risk of Neuropsychiatric Events Associated with Asthma and Allergy Medication Singulair and Generic Montelukast. A double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of cetirizine in preventing the onset of asthma in children with atopic dermatitis: 18 months' treatment and 18 months' posttreatment follow-up.
geht asthma weg das Allergie-Asthma- & Nebenhöhlenzentrum Asthma-Maschine