Die hervorragende Band Celldweller ( http://celldweller.com/ ) stellt seit geraumer zeit ihren bekanntesten Track " Switchback " zum freien Download zur Verfügung, und das wollte ich euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten.


We're offering "Switchback" as a free download for a limited time. The only requirement for the free download is that you must continue passing it along to at least 10 people, and encourage them to keep it going. We want to get "Switchback" heard by millions around the world.

"Switchback" has already been a highly successful track, being played and heard more than any other song from the debut Celldweller CD. Here is just a short list of where you may have already heard "Switchback" :

Spider-man 2 (Movie Trailer - watch now)
CSI (Superbowl Commercial - watch now)
Doom (Movie Trailer - watch now)
The Punisher (Movie Trailer - watch now)
Catwoman (Movie Trailer - watch now)
Dirt (F/X) starring Courteny Cox (watch scene)
Also immer schön weitergeben ;D