XSS Guide - Part 4 - How To fix a XSS vulnerability

Author: Langy
Data: 19-02-2008
Copyright: http://www.googlebig.com

http://www.gnucitizen.org/xssdb/application.htm (Attack Database)
http://www.xssed.com (Mirror Archive of Vulnerable Websites)
http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html (XSS Cheat sheet)
http://software.graflex.org/dexss/ (Removing JavaScript from HTML)



For fix the problem of cross site injection we have to use one of the 3 functions php.

These functions clean up the HTML tags, so is not possible inject into the code.

The function more used is htmlspecialchars() that transmutes all the characters "<" and ">" into "&lt;" and "&gt".

Another option is htmlentities(), which replaces all the characters in the corresponding entities.

PHP Code:
// This page shows an example 
// of the differences in output between 2 functions

$input = '<script>alert(1);</script>';

echo htmlspecialchars($input) . '
echo htmlentities($input);

An example of htmlentities()

PHP Code:
$str = "A 'quote' is bold";

echo htmlentities($str);
echo htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES);
The first show --> A 'quote' is &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;
The second --> A 'quote' is &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;

An example of htmlspecialchars()

PHP Code:
$new = htmlspecialchars("Test", ENT_QUOTES);
echo $new;
This show --> &lt;a href='test'&gt;Test&lt;/a&gt;

The funztion strip_tags(), instead, deletes all HTML elements, except certain elements that need to specify permitted such as [i], [b] or


An example of strip_tags()

PHP Code:
$text = '

Test paragraph.</p> Other text';
echo strip_tags($text);

echo "\n";
// allow 

echo strip_tags($text, '

Now that we know at least that there are these functions, we will to apply into the code when we find a xss in our web application.

I have recently found a xss on my website in Video section of GoogleBig which is a plugin of Mybb forum, I have placed a piece of code to make the idea of how I had to apply the function to fix the search bug.

First of all I have found the php page in question: search.php

Now let's look for the portion of code that makes available research, query and output the result of the query:

PHP Code:
function search($query, $page)


    global $db, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor4, $sitename, $io_db, $module_url, $list_page_items, $hm_index;

    $option = trim($option);

    $query = trim($query);

    $query = FixQuotes(nl2br(filter_text($query)));



In this case the variable that passes the values is $query then we apply the function htmlentities():

PHP Code:
    $query = FixQuotes(nl2br(filter_text(htmlentities($query))));
If you have problems you can post here, or consult the manuals on these 3 php functions that we saw:
