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  1. #1
    NoClose Wurm
    Registriert seit

    Standard Zombie Mod 3.0.0 OB A (CSS)

    Zombie Mod 3.0.0 OB A (CSS)

    Hier der Beliebte Zombie Mod für das Spiel Counter Strike Source.

    Es ist die Neuste Version die es zur zeit gibt und zwar der Zombie Mod 3.0.0 OB A

    Eine Installationanleitung sowie ChangeLog liegt bei im ordner Addons.

    Dieser Mod ist seit gestern draußen sprich ich habe gestern von "c0ldfyr3" die Email bekommen mit dem Mod.

    Download via rapidshare


  2. #2


    Wäre es nicht besser in der 4 Free section aufgehoben?

  3. #3
    NoClose Wurm
    Registriert seit


    Ja tut mir leid habe mich vertahn. Bitte verschieben.

  4. #4
    Tsutomu Shimomura Avatar von blackcat
    Registriert seit


    Ist relativ egal, Zombie mod hat man nach 2 sek. Googlen..

    Ob OT oder Free, macht kein unterschied.
    Vondaher, danke für den Upload.

  5. #5
    Registriert seit


    habe ine weile lang kein css mehr gezockt, aber egal - kann mir jemand die updates nennen? stehen ja nicht in dem thred..

  6. #6
    NoClose Wurm
    Registriert seit


    3.0.0 E
    - Fixed players never being de-protected (invis players)
    - Fixed various sourcemod plugin interaction crashes.
    - Fixed all reported bugs thus far.

    3.0.0 OB A
    - Made everything work for OrangeBox and MMSource 1.8.

    2.0.1 F
    - Fixed some of the weapon stuff not working i.e. zombie nade protection and nade multipliers.

    2.0.1 E
    - Fixed Windows servers not working since srcds update.
    - Fixed c4 not being restricted by default.

    2.0.1 D
    - Fixed only 1 ammo clip when buying weapons from menu.
    - Now force sv_forcepreload.
    - Fixed classes menu showing 2 for all pages.
    - Added zombie_slay server command.
    - Fixed classes only being chosen on death, now also sets class on spawn.
    - Fixed zombie_classes.php missing from
    - Fixed menus not disabling - let me know if this works.

    2.0.1 C
    - Fixed !zmenu and !zbuy.
    - Changed how buy menu acts when purchasing a weapon, now goes back to main buy menu.
    - Increased round time by 10 seconds.
    - Added new cvar zombie_buymenu_timelimit for limiting buying weapons inside buy time.
    - Added new cvar zombie_buymenu_roundstart for showing buy menu at round start.
    - Re-ordered the config so all cvars are grouped. (Thanks Games!)

    2.0.1 B
    - Added zombification event to all zombificatins (doh!) -1 if no attacker (first zombie(s)).
    - Added zombie_count_min and zombie_count_max for random amount of first zombies.
    - Added new cvar zombie_class_url for class list HUD.
    - Added new cvar zombie_allow_picked_up_weapons for allowing players to pickup restricted weapons on a map.
    - Added CSSDM style buy menu, supports /map directories.
    - Added new cvar zombie_buymenu and zombie_buymenu_zone_only.
    - Added new cvar zombie_falldamage and added falldamage to classes.
    - Added new cvar zombie_show_attacker_health.
    - Added new cvar zombie_class_url for !zclasses. (check addons/zombiemod/php/zombie_classes.php for information on how the page is created.)
    - Changed !zmenu to display over all menu, !zclasslist for classes and !zbuy for buy menu.

    2.0.1 A
    - Fixed zombie show health showing the the attacker your health instead of the zombie.
    - Added zombification event, needs to be added to modevents.res for scripting.
    - Fixed "Invalid player for SetProtection" spam when in spec.
    - Fixed "You're class is now ''" message when classes disabled.
    - Added grenade damage and knockback multipliers and zombification health bonus to classes and classless game.
    - Added new cvars zombie_grenade_damage_multiplier, zombie_grenade_knockback_multiplier, zombie_health_bonus for non class play.

    The following needs to be added before the closing } in resource/modevents.res to use the zombification event in other plugins.
    "userid" "short" // user ID who was zombified.
    "attacker" "short" // user ID who killed.
    "class" "short" // class ID who zombified.

    2.0.0 Z
    - Fixed crash bug with bots.
    - Added zombie_classes_random to config file.
    - Added new option for zombie_classes_random - 3.
    - Added new option for zombie_show_health - 2.
    - New language entry.

    2.0.0 Y
    - Added new cvar zombie_classes_random with two settings!

    2.0.0 X
    - Added new language input to file change_class_msg.
    - Fixed Classes menu not displaying and added a new client message.
    - Fixed garbage when zombied by a zombie you did no damage to.

    2.0.0 W
    - Fixed language file, zspawn_team was missing closing quotes. (This will fix missing languages)
    - Changed loading method to Metamod 1.4 (vdf or metaplugins.ini)
    - Fixed 'too many models' error.
    - Allowed zombie_respawn_onconnect to work without zombie_respawn.
    - Fixed text displayed in console for !zmenu.

    2.0.0 V
    - Fixed zspawn reporting you are dead incorrectly.
    - Fixed the fact you could use zombie_respawn console command and spawn straight away with respawn_delay > 0.

    2.0.0 U
    - Rewrote the way !zspawn is handled. Should now show the correct messages. Also now shows time remaining spawn if delay is > 0 and you type !zspawn again. This should also stop players spawning before round start (invincible player bug).
    - Fixed a potential crash bug around dissolve.
    - A few speed enhancements.
    - Added to language file: autospawn_secs_2nd, autospawn_1stzombie

    2.0.0 T
    - Added new cvar zombie_delete_dropped_weapons.
    - Fixed invincible player bug.
    - Fixed all timer related problems - end round forcing, protection, random zombie etc.
    - To help fix zombies not being chosen i've added some logs i'd like sent *if* it happens again.
    - Fixed Zombie Money problems, it was just doubling your money every time it gave any!
    - Added headshots only, regen amount and regen timer to classes.
    - Fixed zombie_restrictions and flashbangs.

    - Add grenade damage multiplier to main game & classes.
    - Add per weapon clip sizes and max size.

    2.0.0 S
    - Added new cvar zombie_dissolve_corpse_delay.
    - Fixed dissolve crash bug on linux servers.
    - Fixed new respawn bug on linux servers.

    2.0.0 R
    - Fixed first respawn tele.
    - Added new cvar zombie_dissolve_corpse.
    - Added new con command kill_round.

    2.0.0 Q
    - Fixed same player being zombie when zombie_count was non 0.
    - Added full language support =D !
    - Added headshots to zombie classes default file.
    - Added new cvar zombie_first_zombie_tele.
    - Added new cvar zombie_force_endround.
    - Added new cvar zombie_language_file.
    - Added new cvar zombie_language_error.
    - Added complete money control for server admins.
    - Added new cvar zombie_startmoney.
    - Added new cvar zombie_tk_money.
    - Added new cvar zombie_kill_money.
    - Added new cvar zombie_zombie_money.
    - Removed 1250 given to zombies when they were zombied.

    2.0.0 P
    - Added functionality to prevent the same player from being first zombie two rounds in a row.
    - Fixed !zplayer output.
    - Added new cvar zombie_weapon.
    - Added new cvar zombie_disconnect_protection.

    2.0.0 O
    - Fixed alive players being able to !zspawn when zombie_respawn_delay was non 0.
    - Added new cvar zombie_respawn_dontdrop_indexes to ignore certain indexes.
    - Added new cvar zombie_respawn_dropweapons.

    2.0.0 N
    - Fixed !zspawn not working when player is spec.
    - Added !zplayer information messages for relay back to forums when players are invincible for too long.
    - Added !zstart to kick start a game if no more zombies spawn.
    - Added new cvar zombie_vote_interval, global vote interval time in seconds between voting.
    - Added new cvar zombie_kickstart_percent.
    - Added new cvar zombie_kickstart_timer.

    2.0.0 M
    - Fixed welcome message not displaying new line character.
    - Fixed zombie_respawn_secondary.
    - Fixed headshots variable in class list being displayed wrong in the client console.
    - Fixed !zspawn working even when disabled.

    2.0.0 L
    - Fixed linux binaries not being the latest.

    2.0.0 K
    - Fixed another possible crash bug.
    - Fixed round end overlays sticking if zombie vision was disabled.
    - Added some proper error messages to !ztele.

    2.0.0 J
    - Fixed class menu showing up when no classes loaded.
    - Fixed new crash bug.

    2.0.0 I
    - Fixed class menu so damage menu doesn't show up if it's open.
    - Fixed crash bug after protection timer runs out.
    - Fixed zombies getting protection and weapons.
    - Added zombie_respawn_onconnect_as_zombie to the cfg file.

    2.0.0 H
    - Added new zombie_dark mode, set it to 2 for a little lighter than regular.
    - Added "headshots" variable to zombie classes to over-ride zombie_headshot_count when zombie_classes are enabled.
    - Fixed !zhelp again, now shows a help specificically for your servers setup.
    - Fixed sv_cheats bug.
    - Fixed crash bug on linux.
    - Fixed round_end overlays not working if all zombies were killed.
    - Removed [CSSMC] branding from welcome text cvar.
    - Disabled !zspawn when zombie_respawn_delay is enabled except for first usage if zombie_respawn_onconnect is enabled.

    2.0.0 G
    - Fixed zombie class variables being incorrect.
    - Fixed respawning in new round if zombie_respawn_delay was high and you died near the end of a round.
    - Fixed end round overlays remaining on during the round.
    - Fixed !zhelp.
    - Fixed zombie_respawn_onconnect_as_zombie.
    - Fixed comments and white space in models.cfg and downloads.cfg
    - Fixed zombie_class_menu showing up again after a selection.
    - Fixed invisibility at round start.
    - Now gives max ammo for respawn weapons.
    - Now shows class menu to new clients the first time they're zombified.
    - Both !zstuck and !ztele now available. (zstuck is the old method and ztele is the new method)
    - New !zmenu command for zombie_class_menu.
    - New cvar zombie_count, amount of zombies to spawn per round.
    - New cvar zombie_count_doublehp to define the way double hp is used at round_start.
    - New cvar zombie_zstuck_enabled.
    - Removed zombie_clrestrict_motd
    - Removed zombie_clrestrict_string

    2.0.0 F
    - Fixed incorrect health bug. It always displayed the health before the last attack.
    - Fixed classes menu, now supports > 9 classes.
    - Fixed zombie_first_zombie cvar max value was 65.
    - Fixed jetpack remaining enabled after the time out expires.
    - Added new cvar zombie_respawn_onconnect_as_zombie.

    2.0.0 E
    - Fixed crash bug with zombie_class_menu on linux servers.
    - Fixed bug where first zombie got double their double health if classes are disabled.
    - Fixed spelling of Zombie Protection

    2.0.0 D
    - Now only works with new CS:S Beta
    - Enabled zombie overlay.
    - Added new zombie end round overlays.
    - Fixed zombie_damagelist_time not working.
    - Fixed FOV sticking on new round.
    - Fixed players staying invisible for the round.
    - Readded the corpse model.
    - Moved all downloads to downloads cfg.
    - Players can now disable zombie vision by binding a key to zombie_vision and night vision is also provided at zombification.
    - Added new method for displaying zombie health, requires clients to modify a file in cstrike folder.
    - Added new cvar zombie_vision_material.
    - Added new cvar zombie_classes. Look at zombie_classes.cfg for more information.
    - Added new cvar zombie_save_classlist, saves players class selections to file.
    - Added new cvar zombie_health_percent for use with zombie classes.
    - Added new cvar zombie_speed_percent for use with zombie classes.
    - Added new cvar zombie_jump_height_percent for use with zombie classes.
    - Added new cvar zombie_knockback_percent for use with zombie classes.
    - Added new cvar zombie_respawn_primary.
    - Added new cvar zombie_respawn_secondary.
    - Added new cvar zombie_respawn_grenades.
    - Added new convar zombie_clear_classlist, clears list of saved players' class selections.
    - Added new convar zombie_class_count, displays current amount of saved players' class selections.
    - Added new convar zombie_writeclasses, writes current list of player class selections to file.

    2.0.0 C
    - Removed overlay for now.
    - Removed cl_restrict enforcer.
    - Re-enabled zombie_allow_disable_nv
    - Fixed on zombification cl_restrict restricting use slot3.
    - Fixed players staying invisible for the round.
    - Added zombie_teleport_zombies_only, if enabled zombies are the only ones allowed to use !zstuck. Allows humans to use it until first guy is chosen.
    - Added zombie_first_zombie cvar to show who's first zombie.
    - Added zombie_show_health, shows you your health each time you zombify someone.
    - Added zombie_regen_timer
    - Added zombie_regen_health
    - Added zombie_damagelist_time, time to display damage list.

    2.0.0 Alpha
    - Changed !zstuck behaviour, now teleports to a random spawn point.
    - Changed Zombie Vision, now has a cool texture and colour. Can't be disabled.
    - Added new cvar zombie_vision_r.
    - Added new cvar zombie_vision_g.
    - Added new cvar zombie_vision_b.
    - Added new cvar zombie_vision_a.
    - Added new cvar zombie_vision_timer, time between zombie vision enforcement.
    - Added new cvar zombie_respawn_protection. Invisible time for players when they respawn. Also cannot be zombified.
    - Added new cvar zombie_respawn_as_zombie.
    - Added new cvar zombie_respawn_onconnect. Allows one respawn when a player connects incase the round has started.
    - Added new cvar zombie_teleportcount. Amount of times someone is allowed to use zstuck in a round.
    - Added new cvar zombie_damagelist. When enabled shows a list of zombie victims and the health your successfull attacker has left.
    - Added MOTD window on first spawn to tell players ZM will disable their cl_restrict_server_commands. zombie_clrestrict_motd and zombie_clrestrict_string.
    - Fixed bug where if you tried to buy anything you could see other team on the radar. Also allows players to buy when they respawn.
    - Fixed bug with the .cfg file, replaced all tabs with spaces.

    TODO: Zombie Classes, Zombie Tourney setup.

    - Fixed windows binary to work with the latest srcds update.
    - Removed zombie_respawn command for now.
    - Removed slapme test command.

    - Fixed windows binary to work after last srcds update.
    - Fixed ent_fire exploit.

    - Minor fix for windows to compensate for steam update 30/08/06

    - Fixed jetpack not working.
    - Fixed where, on zombification, the human got the extra frag instead of the attacking Zombie.

    - Fixed knockback not working.

    - Alot of fixes to compensate for the new CS:S update.

    - Fixed bug introduced in v1.1.4 where the first connected player could use weapons as a zombie.

    - Added round timer checking.
    - Fixed crash bug when a player left shortly after round_start.
    - Fixed zombie_stuckcheck_radius not being checked for !zstuck.

    - Fixed first Zombies health not being correctly set.
    - Fixed crash bug during Zombification if player disconnects at the wrong time.

    - Fixed crash bug introduced with 1.1.1

    - Added proper support for mp_restartgame.
    - Added an improved method of preventing and un-sticking players.
    - Removed all redundant code blocks.
    - Fixed perfomance decrease which came with 1.1.0.
    - Fixed per map configs being executed too late.

    - Added new cvar zombie_headshots_only.
    - Added new cvar zombie_balancer_health_ratio.
    - Added new cvar zombie_balancer_player_ratio.
    - Added new cvar zombie_balancer_type.
    - Added new cvar zombie_balancer_min_health.
    - Changed zombie_help_text to include the website address.
    - Fixed rare crash bug. (Pure Virtual Function Call)

    - Fixed crashing on zombie_mode 0 on some linux machines.
    - Fixed zombie_talk enforcing when zombie_enabled was 0.

    - Fixed crashing on map change.

    - Fixed cl_mindmodels not being forced.
    - Fixed zombie_fog_sky being forced wether 1 or 0.
    - Added new cvar zombie_undead_sound.
    - Added new cvar zombie_undead_sound_enabled.
    - Added new cvar zombie_undead_sound_volume.
    - Added new cvar zombie_undead_sound_exclusions.
    - Removed most of the redundant logging.
    - Changed the rest of the redundant logging to echo to console instead.
    - Changed default value of zombie_fog_colour.
    - Changed default value of zombie_fog_colour2.
    - Changed default value of zombie_fog_start.
    - Changed default value of zombie_fog_blend.

    0.9.8 b
    - Fixed ConsGreet.

    0.9.8 a
    - Renamed zombie_max_ammo cvar to zombie_unlimited_ammo.
    - Added cfg/zombiemod/zombiemod.cfg executed at Load and LevelInit.
    - Added map config files, which may be used to set zombie specific cvars for maps.
    - Added new cvar zombie_welcome_delay.
    - Added new cvar zombie_welcome_text.
    - Added new cvar zombie_help_url.

    0.9.7 z
    - Added improved player location functionality.
    - Fixed FFA for linux servers.
    - Added mp_friendlyfire forced to 0 on linux (Already forced on Windows).

    0.9.7 y
    - Fixed scream spamming invalid command in console.
    - Changed zombies command to zombie_enabled 1/0.
    - Changed a compiler option which fixes a rare crash bug.

    0.9.7 x
    - Added new cvar zombie_stuckcheck_radius. (See Installation)
    - Changed default value of zombie_stuckcheck_radius to 30.
    - Fixed rare crash bug on round_start.

    0.9.7 w
    - Changed how !zstuck works. Now moves players location instead of slapping.

    0.9.7 v
    - Fixed crash bug on custom maps with sky/fog.
    - Fixed a crash bug with !zstuck.
    - Increased !zstuck slapping power.
    - TODO: Preventing people sticking in the first place is the next thing on my list.

    0.9.7 u
    - Fixed players spawning without pistol after being a zombie.
    - Fixed FOV not working 75% of the time.
    - Fixed hostages being killed on rounds where there are no players.
    - Fixed players not spawning at round_start.
    - Added player chat command '!zstuck'. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added blood emitence when zombies loose their head.
    - Added deaths incrementation for victims of zombifications.

    0.9.7 t
    - Fixed crash bug on LevelInit with zombie_dark.

    0.9.7 s
    - Fixed zombie_fog settings crashing the server on maps with no sky_camera.

    0.9.7 r
    - Processor usage greatly decreased in all recursive functions.
    - Fixed zombie_fog and zombie_fog sky to completely integrate with maps.
    - Removed large sky material.
    - Added new small sky materials.
    - Added new cvar zombie_fog_sky_material for sky customization.
    - Fixed all the problems Windows users had after the update.
    - Changed all signatures to use wildcards based on 13/04/06 update.
    - Now force cl_minmodels 0.
    - Reduced LevelInit time when zombie_fog and zombie_fog_sky are enabled from 5 seconds to < 1.

    NOTE: For people using zombie_teams, buy time is reduced to then the first zombie is chosen, once that happens players get switched teams !

    0.9.7 q
    - Fixed jetpacks stayin on after zombification when zombie_jetpack disabled.
    - Fixed no zombie being chosen when zombies is enabled after round_start.
    - Fixed possible bug where jetpacks stayed on after round_end.
    - JetPack now doesn't work untill after the first zombie has been chosen.

    0.9.7 p
    - Fixed zomie_max_ammo not disabling with Zombie command.

    0.9.7 o
    - Added new cvar humans_jetpack. (See Installation.txt)
    - Performance increases in some of the tigher spots.

    0.9.7 n
    - Added new cvar zombie_jetpack. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_jetpack_timer. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new player command '+jetpack'. (See Installation.txt)

    0.9.7 m
    - Attempted to fix zombie_max_ammo problems.

    0.9.7 l
    - Fixed missing sky texture.
    - Fixed zombie_max_ammo always starting disabled.
    - Added missing sky texture.

    0.9.7 k
    - Fixed problem with late loading and zombie_startup.
    - Fixed the Installation.txt having corrupt cvar templates for zombie_model_file and zombie_download_file.
    - Fixed "Model not precached" error when no models are loaded.
    - Added new cvar zombie_notification. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_effect. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_shake. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_notices. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_fog. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_fog_sky. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_fog_colour. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_fog_colour2. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_fog_start. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_fog_end. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_fog_blend. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added player chat command '!zhelp'. (See Installation.txt)

    0.9.7 j
    - Fixed zombie_teams and buy zones not working. Check it out !
    - Fixed FOV not working sometimes.
    - Fixed people getting stuck together sometimes. Let me know if this happens again !
    - Fixed weird dark textures.
    - Added new cvar zombie_headshot_count. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_kill_bonus. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_allow_disable_nv. (See Installation.txt)

    0.9.7 i
    - Forced mp_friendlyfire to 1 on linux servers untill a bug is fixed.

    0.9.7 h
    - Added new models from ZombieHorde complete with removable heads.
    - Added new cvar zombie_headshots. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added new cvar zombie_changeteam_block. (See Installation.txt)
    - Added forcing value for mp_limitteams and mp_autoteambalance when zombie_teams is enabled.
    - Added player command 'zombie_respawn' for respawning when dead.
    - Added player command 'scream' to emit sounds as a zombie.

    0.9.7 g
    - Removed ability to manually change zombie_mode cvar.
    - Updated the Installation.txt file to show new cvar information.
    - General improvements all around.

    0.9.7 f
    - Fixed Zombie health not being set.
    - Fixed zombie_restrictions not changing untill new map.
    - Added zombie_timer_max and zombie_timer_min for first random zombie.

    0.9.7 e
    - Fixed a ridiculous error on my behalf causing all hooks to be disabled on Windows.

    0.9.7 d
    - Added CVar zombie_startup, if 1 on first ever round_start auto enables.
    - Attemted to fix FFA rioting.
    - Fixed looped round restarting with zombie_teams enabled.

    0.9.7 c
    - Fixed zombie_teams crashing the server. (Still not 100%)
    - Fixed zombies being able to pickup weapons. (Between rounds doesnt count)
    - Lots more =)

    0.9.7 B
    - Fixed zombie_speed cvar, please take note.
    - Fixed god mode when zombie mode is off.
    - Attempted to fix FFA riots.
    - Attempted to fix weapon pickups.

    0.9.6 B
    - Fixed Zombies being able to switch to grenades.
    - Fixed zombie_suicide being enabled when zombie mode is off.
    - Fixed FOV sometimes not getting set on Zombification.
    - Fixed FOV sometimes not reseting to normal on death and round reset.
    - Fixed server crash when plugin is unloaded (Still not a really good idea).
    - Fixed rotation on the stock Fast, Poison and Classic models.
    - Fixed 'Free For All' always being enabled. (TK not reporting)

    'Free For All' is when you hurt a team mate, it doesnt report it, and it does 100% damage.
    Thanks to BAILOPAN for the help.
    Hier der ganze Changelog.

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  1. [S]Zombie Panic: Source cheat
    Von 60t0t im Forum Games
    Antworten: 3
    Letzter Beitrag: 21.10.2008, 06:36



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