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  1. #1
    \:D/ SHOOPDAWHOOP \:D/ Avatar von toxid
    Registriert seit

    Standard WordPress - File Permission failure.

    There was a problem completing activation of the JW Player Plugin for WordPress. Please note that the JWPlayer Plugin for WordPress requires that the WordPress uploads directory exists and is writable. For tips on how to make sure this folder is writable please refer to

    There was a problem completing activation of the plugin. The wp-content/uploads/jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress directory could not be created. Please ensure the WordPress uploads directory is writable. For tips on how to make sure this folder is writable please refer to

    Sind die Fehler, welche ich kriege.

    777 Rechte haben folgende Ordner



    Ebenso, bringt die Hilfe auf dieser Seite auf nichts:

    Könnte irgendwas an den Server-Settings falsch sein? Wovon ich aber leider keine Ahnung habe ;7

    Need helpz0r


    Grammar Nazi
    You must have excellent grammar in your posts to achieve this award.

  2. #2
    \:D/ SHOOPDAWHOOP \:D/ Avatar von toxid
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: WordPress - File Permission failure.

    i just read all other articles about the same problem as i have.
    Unfortunately none of thoose tricks and tips helped in any way.
    I set the permession i have to, to 755/777
    I still have thoose:
    There was a problem completing activation of the JW Player Plugin for WordPress. Please note that the JWPlayer Plugin for WordPress requires that the WordPress uploads directory exists and is writable. For tips on how to make sure this folder is writable please refer to
    There was a problem completing activation of the plugin. The wp-content/uploads/jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress directory could not be created. Please ensure the WordPress uploads directory is writable. For tips on how to make sure this folder is writable please refer to
    I re-installed the plugin more then twice also the directorys in the uploads.
    My media path to my files ist set to "default". never changed something.
    WordPress Version: 3.3.1
    Plugin Version: 1.5.8
    It worked before, dont know why it aint working now.
    Unfortunately i dont have a backup-mysql from the day as it worked
    I'll provide you with any further information you need to know, to get that fixed.

    Grammar Nazi
    You must have excellent grammar in your posts to achieve this award.

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